"Obama campaign deputy manager Stephanie Cutter says, “[W]e’re coming
into this debate very realistic that Mitt Romney is likely to win if he
plays his cards right. If he performs and fills in those details and has
that [conversation] with the American people, instead of having, you
know, a punching match and just leveling insults at the President like
he’s done over the past two years. If he fills in his policy details,
talks in specifics about his plans for the future he could win this
Can you say “spin”? And yeah, that’s exactly what the Obama folks
want: A wonky Mitt Romney getting stuck in the briar patch of policy
details. My advice to Romney? The opposite: Come out punching–
insults aren’t necessary; just facts such as:
1. A complete inability/unwillingness to own up to the threat of the “t” word– terrorism.
And a concomitant failed Obama Doctrine foreign policy. Cite
Libya/Egypt/Tunisia et al.; the failed preference to try Khalid Sheik
Mohammed in ordinary criminal court; refusing to label the Ft. Hood
shooting an act of terrorism.
2. A complete disconnect with the desires of the American public re: health care reform.
Obamacare does zero to reduce costs (in fact, as my recent post
revealed, costs are going up) or expand the number of providers, while
simultaneously forcing tens of millions of uninsured and employers to
buy expensive health insurance policies they can’t afford already. The
American people don’t want this “reform”– never have, never will. And
no, Mr. President, they will not learn to like it once its devastating
effects kick in beginning 2014. The President’s “signature”
legislative accomplishment is, in short, an utter disaster.
3. A dangerous policy of downplaying the Iranian nuclear threat at the expense of Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East and one of America’s closest (and most important) allies.
4. An utter disregard for the Constitution, as evidenced by executive orders that completely undercut the legislative branch–
e.g., deciding not to deport certain young persons here illegally;
gutting the work requirements of welfare reform; ignoring the testing
and monitoring requirements of No Child Left Behind.
5. A
completely failing economy, by any measure you prefer– jobs, GDP,
median household income, deficits, downgraded credit rating, etc. It is the worst economy virtually anyone alive can remember. Four more years of this????
These are just a few starting talking points, of course. " Elizabeth Price Foley
Ed. note: There are many dead bodies tied directly to Obama. No one cares. Murder means nothing anymore:
"But this awful corrosive passivity is far more pervasive, and, unlike the psycho killer,
is an existential threat to a functioning society." (Mark Steyn, 4/18/07).
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