Friday, October 19, 2012

Newspaper endorsements for Mitt Romney include Orlando Sentinel, Houston Chronicle, So. Florida Sun-Sentinel, Tennessean, Dallas Morning News, Reno Gazette-Journal, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Columbus Dispatch, The Columbian, Southern Illinoisan, The Detroit News, (more...)

10/26/12, "Sun Sentinel endorses Mitt Romney for president," South Florida Sun-Sentinel (endorsed Obama in 2008)

"While we endorsed Obama in 2008, we recommend voters choose Republican Mitt Romney on Nov. 6."

10/25/12, Editorial: Mitt Romney for President, The Detroit News

We find Romney to be less partisan than the typical politician, and not bound by rigid ideology. The nation will be best served if the entrenched disagreements of the past four years give way to cooperation and achievement.”…


10/21/12, “Romney for president,“ Houston Chronicle (endorsed Obama in 2008)

"Four years later, President Obama’s deeds have failed to match his words, much less his specific vows to cut the national debt by half and bring the nation’s unemployment rate to 6 percent. As Texans, it is a particular “vexation that this president’s attitude toward the interests of our state has occasionally bordered on contempt.”…


10/21/12, Why Mitt? Reality over fantasy, Manchester Union Leader

Barack Obama was in Manchester on Thursday. When he came to Veterans Park in 2008, he sold “hope and change.” He was uplifting, inspiring. Last week, that was gone. In its place was the negativity, the deception, the nastiness that Obama once said he wanted to remove from politics. Obama offered New Hampshire nothing but bitterness and envy. “…

10/21/12, For president: Romney has real-world experience to lead nation out of economic malaise,” Columbus Dispatch


10/21/12, “Thanks for trying, Mr. President, but we need a change,The Southern Illinoisan


10/20/12, Romney can lead economy forward,” Arizona Republic

The last U.S. president to attempt transformative social change on the scale attempted by President Barack Obama was Lyndon B. Johnson, who in 1964 launched his Great Society. Times were different then.”


10/20/12, “Mitt Romney: new leadership for more economic growth,Fort Worth Star-Telegram


 10/20/12, OPINION: Mitt Romney for president, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


10/19/12,  "Nevada needs a change now; elect Mitt Romney president," Reno Gazette-Journal (endorsed Obama in 2008, John Kerry in 2004)


10/19/12, “Our pick for president: Romney,” Orlando Sentinel


10/17/12, “Parsing our choice for president, The Tennessean


10/17/12, President of the United States: Mitt Romney,” The Columbian (Washington State) (endorsed Obama in 2008)

“Repairing economy, cutting spending requires laser focus on business world”


9/28/12, “We recommend Mitt Romney for president,Dallas Morning News Editorial


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