Monday, October 15, 2012

New Hampshire Public Radio edits debate tape to favor the democrat. Is Big Bird teaching children to lie too?

10/15/12, "New Hampshire Public Radio Edits Debate Tape to Favor the Democrat," American Thinker, Mike Johnson

"New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR) conducted a gubernatorial debate on 19 September 2012.  One of the questions had to do with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), an effort to limit greenhouse gases by auctioning CO2 allowances (sounds like cap and trade to me).  Republican Ovide Lamontagne favors repeal of RGGI, while Democrat Maggie Hassan favors keeping it.  Watch and listen to their answers at about 32 minutes into the debate.  They are in a lightning round, with a ten-second limit to answers.
Ms. Hassan's answer, from the previously linked video, follows:
I was proud to be a sponsor of that tax, eh, the energy efficiency program because it has saved businesses millions and millions of dollars and created over 400 jobs.
Subsequently, NHPR has rebroadcast the debate, and Ms. Hassan's answer has been changed to:
I was proud to be a sponsor of the energy efficiency program because it has saved businesses millions and millions of dollars and created over 400 jobs.
The missing phrase is "that tax, eh[.]"

Those three words, seven letters, go right to the heart of the RGGI issue.  Opponents look on RGGI as a tax; proponents look at it as manna from green heavenMs. Hassan's millions of dollars and 400 jobs have not materialized.  Maggie is a tax, borrow, and spend lefty liberal of the worst kind.  Her answer referring to RGGI as a tax is a true gaffe -- that is, inadvertently telling the truth. 

RGGI is not living up to the promises of the eco-zealots -- big surprise there.  New Hampshire paid the seventh-highest electric rate in the country in 2008, fifth in 2009, and fourth in 2010.  And there's no place to go but up, as another rate hike is coming....

What I cannot accept is a supposedly public service entity that draws on my hard-earned tax dollars to engage in partisan politics.  Let Big Bird and Jim Lehrer and NHPR and PBS compete in the open market for their funds.  More power to them." via Free Republic


Goldman Sachs-backed RGGI and the rest of the CO2 trading
industry are essentially operating in bankruptcy now. US CO2 has dropped drastically and is heading lower. The UK Met Office even says there has been no global warming for 15 years:

10/13/12, "Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it," UK Daily Mail.

CO2 "auctions" are happening for no reason. New Hampshire Public Radio should be happy--there's no climate crisis! They won and it's all over. Whatever weather the US has had in 2012, it can't be due to CO2 because US CO2 has plunged and is heading lower. The same cannot be said of other countries despite billions spent on cap and trade and extra taxes.

6/4/12, "Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006," Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

"Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord."...


For those unaware of the good news, US CO2 emissions have dropped steadily since at least 2006 and are going lower! This has even been acknowledged in the NY Times. Other countries' CO2 hasn't dropped, despite hundreds of billions spent on cap and trade and extra taxes.

This isn't to say US taxpayers haven't become partners with the 'climate' industry. Trillions have been taken from taxpayers for climate expenses via agency budget allocations, tax subsidies, diversion of US military to climate or green projects, countless federal regulations, vast sums shipped out in foreign aid for 'climate' endeavors, etc. Devoting 13 federal agencies to 'climate' matters is hardly 'lagging' in action.
Global Warming 'action' was institutionalized in US government in 1990 by George Bush the 1st in the "U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990." (He mentions CO2 near the end). The US even exports fuel now.


7/15/12, "Recession Special: Cleaner Air," NY Times, Matthew Wald

"What the government has not mandated, the economy is doing on its own: emissions of global warming gases in the United States are down.

According to the Energy Department, carbon dioxide emissions peaked in this country in 2005 and will not reach that level again until the early 2020s."...

10/13/12, "Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it," UK Daily Mail David Rose 

"The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued  quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported."...


US CO2 has plunged and is going lower:

6/26/12, "The Incredible Shrinking Carbon Pollution Forecast - Part 2,", Dan Lashof


6/29/12, "US Carbon Output Forecasts Shrink Again," American Interest, Walter Russell Mead


8/16/12, "AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low," AP, Kevin Begos

"In a surprising turnaround, the amount of >carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years, and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal."...

""The cap-and-trade system in Europe has not delivered to date," said Geir Vollsaeter, head of the energy and environmental consultancy Green World Advisors and former climate change specialist at Royal Dutch Shell."...

"A curious thing is happening to the air in the United States. It's getting cleaner.

Despite there being no real effort by Congress to address global warming and America's longstanding reputation as an energy hog, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are falling."...


7/28/10, "The secrets 10 states and Wall Street don't want you to know," by Mark Lagerkvist, NJ Watchdog  

"Secrecy and greed are polluting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first mandatory cap-and-trade system.
Under the RGGI scheme, the smell of profiteering is powerful. New Jersey and nine other Northeast states have sold
The bidders at RGGI auctions include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and other Wall Street heavyweights."...

7/02/09, "The Great American Bubble Machine: How Goldman Sachs has Engineered Every Major Market Manipulation Since the Great Depression," Rolling Stone, by Matt Taibbi

"A groundbreaking new commodities bubble,

  • called cap-and-trade.
The new carbon-credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino that's been kind to Goldman,
If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices will be government-mandated.  

Goldman won't even have to rig the game. 

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