Saturday, October 27, 2012

‘Insta-Fact Check Live blogging the ObamaMedia’ in its all-out, end run around the American people, withholding news people need to know, twisting what it does tell, all to force 4 more years of Obama

10/27/12, “**INSTA-FACT CHECK** LIVE-BLOGGING THE OBAMAMEDIA,” John Nolte, Breitbart

Because the corrupt media is so breathtakingly corrupt in its push to reelect a failed president, Big Journalism needs a running live blog. Please help us in our quest to capture the breadth and scope of this corruption by forwarding your tips to or Twitter me @NolteNC.”

BuzzFeed Busted Again BenSmithing Romney

10/26/12, “Our friend, the appropriately named “SooperMexican,” doesn’t miss a detail in laying out how BuzzFeed Politics’  Zeke Miller is attempting to launch yet-another distraction/nonsense meme against Romney — this one surrounding crowd size at a rally.

This is the same anti-gay BuzzFeed that put Ann Romney in a erectile dysfunction ad and was awfully proud of their bold expose’ on Romney’s tan, so this kind of trolling, while interesting, is rather mild in comparison.”


Corrupt Media Ignores latest blockbuster Libya revelations:

10/26/12, “ABC News’ Jake Tapper has a lengthy piece covering the latest surrounding Libya, but as is usually the case he’s an exception.

Thus far, as you would expect, the left-wing MSNBC hasn’t uttered the word “Libya” in days. But as of now, even though these major revelations broke hours ago, CNN’s been as quiet as MSNBC.

The same goes, naturally, for the corrupt Politico
Thank G-d for Fox News and New Media.”


Immediately after speech, CNN's Malveaux rips Romney for criticizing today's GDP numbers:

10/26/12, “So Mitt Romney gives a major economic speech laying out a detailed platform to resurrect our stagnated economy but as soon as it’s over, CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux tells her (thankfully minuscule) audience that voters are tired of spin and that Romney “spinning” today’s 2.0 GDP report as unacceptable  was a mistake.

According to Malveaux, we should be satisfied and thrilled over a 2.0 GDP because it didn’t suck as much as expected.

Malveaux then went to her panel, which included The Corrupt Candy Crowley, where they all criticized the speech as not having enough “there there.”"….(more)


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