Monday, October 22, 2012

Daily Beast authors note Obama has changed US presidency to a dictatorship en route to societal transformation, aid says in 2nd term Obama will do whatever he wants. Daily Beast authors and GOP not bothered about it

US government was designed to move slowly for a reason but Obama has thrown that out knowing the GOP will give him no problems. Obama has decreed the, “We Can’t Wait Initiative. He’s simply doing what he wants to achieve rapid societal transformation. The GOP may give a fake outrage sound bite or two but Obama knows it’s just for show.

10/22/12, “President Obama’s Executive Power Grab, Daily Beast, Romano and Klaidman. “The Obama power play that could forever change the way Washington works.”

Barack Obama’s decision to reverse himself on the DREAM Act was not an isolated incident. Instead, it was the culmination of a dramatic and very deliberate makeover… that continues to this day; and that is poised to play a significant part in a potential second term, according to his advisers. “The president’s hope is that he and Congress get another opportunity to work together, and they see the folly in their efforts to date,” says Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director. But what he’s not going to do, if Congress refuses to act, is sit on the sidelines and do nothing. That’s the path he’s taken.”

It is a transformation that could forever alter the way Washington works….

Unfortunately for the GOP, it’s probably impossible to persuade most voters, and most courts, that the president of the United States is regularly breaking the law (as even many conservatives concede). …Obama isn’t going to get impeached, and rightfully so.”…
  • [Ed. note: As Mark Levin notes, "rightfully so?" Why? Why is it right that he not be impeached for such behavior?]
(continuing): “Of all Obama’s go-it-alone maneuvers, none highlights the thorny temptations of his new governing strategy as clearly as June’s DREAM Act deferral—which was developed by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on a separate track from

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