Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Romney raised $6 million at Beverly Hills fundraiser, had lunch with actor who had to remain anonymous for fear he'd be blacklisted by intolerant McCarthy liberals who rule Hollywood

9/23/12, "Mitt Romney pulls in $6 million at Beverly Hills fundraiser," LA Times,

I want to thank Dennis Miller for not just the humor, but the truth in the humor,” Romney said. “Much of what he said tonight, much of what he said was very encouraging and uplifting.” No visit to California by a Republican candidate could be complete without a nod to the state’s liberal bent.

“I know in some of the communities around this particular hotel it’s hard to let people know you’re conservative without them looking at you funny," Romney said, before noting that he had lunch with “a very famous actor — very famous.  Very liberal.  I won’t tell you his name or he’d shoot me… He pulled me aside, he said, ‘In this town, you really can’t get work unless you’re known as a liberal,’ and he said, ‘But no one knows how I really vote.’  And there are a lot of people that feel that way.” via Lucianne


Ed. note: The first part of the LA Times article was of course quite negative as one would expect. They're desperately trying to create bad news about Romney and get the democrat Obama elected-the LA Times supports democrats. We the people see things differently. We see that a lax political class has sold this country out to the bare walls. We're fixing this. If need be, one person at a time just like the left has done for decades. We see how the left has destroyed California and we aim to stop them from doing the same to the rest of America.


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