Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romney ceding white working class vote, trailing by 12 in Pennsylvania. Without Boston consultants, without ANY consultants, Romney might be ahead by double digits. Or maybe like Ed Rollins and the gang at Fox News, Romney's happy with Obama, doesn't care about saving this country, only about silencing the Tea Party

9/21/12, "Romney is Ceding White Working Class Vote," Madison Project, Daniel Horowitz

"Have you seen him hit Obama hard on his un-American foreign policy?  What happened to Obamacare?  What about Fast and Furious and Obama’s insidious plan to impose gun control?

All the issues that resonate with these voters have been deemed off limits by the obdurate consultants in Boston.  And it’s showing.  The latest Rasmussen poll shows Romney losing Pennsylvania by 12 points.  To be fair, a Republican must also make inroads in the upscale Philadelphia suburbs in order to win the state.  However, a 12-point deficit is indicative of a gross underperformance in the blue collar parts of the state.

If Romney does not pursue a full-court strategy to embrace these voters, he will lose."


Ed. note: In addition to Boston consultants who probably aren't needed anyway, you have the Fox News gang campaigning for Obama, saying he's a 'good guy,' just like McCain did. The one thing for sure about Obama is he's not a 'nice guy.' Endless heartbreaking evidence shows he's a vicious, cold human being.  Due to their desperate wish to be approved by the media or at least seem hip, the GOP establishment has adamantly said since the beginning that Obama's a 'nice guy'--while giving no examples of this. Fox News Republicans, including Romney, have made it a huge issue that Obama's a 'good guy'. And if you dare mention you don't know how they could say such a thing, you'll be attacked by them from their bully pulpit on Fox News which is just branch of the Obama campaign:


Ed Rollins on ridiculous Fox News attacks Rush Limbaugh but not Obama who he continually says is a good guy and if you don't like it he'll slam you on Fox News:

 8/31/12, "The Obama Good Guy/Bad Guy Debate," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: Marco Rubio: "Our problem with Obama is he's not a bad person." Here's Ed Rollins yesterday afternoon on Fox with Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly said, "You know, it was clearly a theme last night. Over and over again they pounded that it's something to be proud of in this country to be successful, the foundation of what this country was built on is success. Ed, did the Republicans make their case?"

ROLLINS: They certainly did to a certain extent.
The president and his team are not bad people in spite of Rush Limbaugh gonna criticize us for saying he's not a bad guy. They just have a different viewpoint. And I think the viewpoint is that, you know, we need government to interfere, we need to redistribute wealth, government needs to be the referee. Our perspective is stay out of our way and let us just go. Give us the freedom to go achieve the things that we want to achieve as an American."

I've never stated that I want them to talk about Obama being a bad guy. My express desire has been that there be some leadership....

"All I've asked for is some ideology. Just explain liberalism, just tell 'em who Obama is in that regard. Obviously they didn't want to do it. They were obviously afraid to say things like, "Obama doesn't have the same view of America we do. In his world, America is guilty, doesn't deserve to be a superpower." There's a movie out there that people are showing up in droves to see that makes this point. Maybe they're relying on that. I don't know. But I don't want to say he's a bad guy. All I've ever said is get some ideology in this. Explain what conservatism is. Explain what liberalism is. It's so easy to do, and it's highly educational....

RUSH:  I did sort of blanch when I thought they were gonna say he's a good guy. A good guy does not accuse you of causing another man's wife to die of cancer. A good guy does not accuse you of shoving grandma over the cliff to die in a wheelchair. 
Nice guys, good guys don't do that kind of stuff."...


9/14/12, "Romney: Obama ‘exudes an air of likability and friendliness’," Washington Post


Ed. note: Ed Rollins exemplifies the clubhouse/Fox News GOP who destroyed this country, opened the door to the radical left in 2006, and gave them the big house in 2008. A normal person would have left the public stage in disgrace or at least apologized to the country for behavior that robbed lifetimes of work and sacrifice. Not hacks like Ed Rollins, they're back parading their "vanity and egotism" trying to "reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution."...(begin parag. 11)


Ed. note: This isn't to slam Romney or make his chances worse. It's to expose what's holding him back from what should have been an easy landslide victory. And to suggest that Fox News does more harm than good.


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP declare war on country class conservatives, " Rush Limbaugh transcript

"Apparently the establishment Republicans  
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

O 47, R 45

9/22/12, "Poll: The presidential race is tight in Pennsylvania," Tribune Review

"Two percentage points separate President
Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney in a state poll conducted for the Tribune-Review, even though the campaigns largely are ignoring Pennsylvania and concentrating on other battlegrounds.
Obama polled 47 percent to Romney's 45 percent among likely Pennsylvania voters, with 6 percent of voters undecided and 44 days until Election Day, according to the survey by Susquehanna Polling & Research. The survey of 800 voters, conducted Sept. 18-20, has a margin of error of 3.46 percentage points.
The poll showed most voters are disappointed with the country’s direction, evenly split on whether Obama deserves another term and hesitant to back Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. Fifty-one percent of the state’s voters approve of Obama’s job performance.
Other recent polls showed a larger margin for Obama, leading some to speculate that Pennsylvania — which hasn’t voted for a GOP presidential candidate since 1988 — no longer is a swing state. Two of those last four polls gave Obama a lead larger than his margin of victory in 2008, when he defeated Sen. John McCain of Arizona by 10 percentage points.
“All the evidence points to a much closer margin,” said Jim Lee, Susquehanna president. “Nothing suggests we’re looking at anything like 2008.”
Voters continue to put the economy at the top of their list of concerns. Only one in three believes the country is headed in the right direction."...


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