Saturday, September 22, 2012

PBS anchor Gwen Ifill is supposed to protect ordinary Americans from an all-powerful government, instead she sides with an all powerful government against the people. PBS had no Libya segment at all Wed. 9/20, hiding lies and coverup by the Obama administration involving at least 4 murders

9/20/12, "PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill Touts Pro-Obama Polls, Dismisses Mideast Violence As a 'Dust Up'," NewsBusters, Matt Vespa

"On last night’s broadcast  (Sept. 19) of the PBS Newshour, anchor Gwen Ifill discussed the latest polls with Pew’s Andrew Kohut and Mark Blumenthal, "senior polling analyst" of The Huffington Post.  Her talk about voter engagement and enthusiasm got a little hazy – if not completely insensitive – when she referred to last week’s embassy attacks as a “dust up.

Perhaps "dust up" in her mind only refers to the liberal media's insular discussions about foreign-policy developments, but could she sound more cavalier about the deaths of Americans in Libya? (video at link)

GWEN IFILL: "Do these polls tell us anything about what people -- how people view either of these two as a leader?

After all, we're voting for the commander in chief. Last week, we had this dust-up about foreign policy. And, in fact, it continued into this week.

Is there anything that you're seeing in these numbers that shows that people look at these two and they can imagine one as president and not the other?"...

Apparently, the polls
are a much more important subject than investigating how an American ambassador, Chris Stevens, was assassinated, since there was no Libya segment on Wednesday night."...
Numerous reports contradict Obama administration obvious lies: 
9/13/12, "No protest before Benghazi attack, wounded Libyan guard says," McClatchy, N. Youssef, S. Ali Zway, Benghazi, Libya


9/16/12, "Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'," Politico, K. Cirilli


9/16/12, "Consulate Attack Preplanned, Libya's President Says," NPR, Leila Fadel


:17 "The FBI still hasn't made it to the crime scene in Benghazi."...

:26  "Witnesses tell CBS News that there was NEVER an
anti-American protest outside of the Consulate. Instead, they say it came under planned attack. 
:31 "THAT is in DIRECT contradiction to the administration's account of the incident....
1:19 "What's clear Charlie is that the public won't get an account of what happened until
AFTER the presidential election."...


Cairo embassy riots were planned at least as early as August 30:

9/12/12, "Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making," USA Today, Lynch, Dorell

9/15/12, "More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments," CNN, by Arwa Damon

"Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.
Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security."...

10/4/2010, "EDITORIAL: Islamic flag over the White House," Washington Times Editorial

 "Last year (2009), the Obama administration co-sponsored with Egypt a U.N. Human Rights Council resolution against “racial and religious stereotyping,” which offered cover to the Islamists in their drive to put any criticism of their religion off limits....

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