Monday, September 24, 2012

Pathetic Beltway Republicans agree with Democrats that US taxpayer dollars should continue flowing to savages in the Middle East

9/22/12, "Drain the Swamp," Steve Maley,

"The heroes of Flight 93 didn’t have a week to conclude we were under terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The attacks had no precedent. Flight 93′s passengers had scant shreds of information but a ton of common sense and the will to act. Were it not for their decisive action, we’d now have a crater on Capitol Hill, or a Perpetual Peace Garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, instead of a silent memorial in the woods near Shanksville, PA....

So it is terribly unsettling to learn that terrorism is not the default assumption of the Obama Administration when mob violence is directed at an American diplomatic presence in the Middle East, especially when it comes on a key anniversary. We watched for a week, waiting for Ambassador Rice, Jay Carney and President Obama to begrudgingly conclude what was apparent to the average consumer of cable news on the night of the attacks: such a coordinated assault cannot be attributed to anger in the Arab Street over a lame Youtube video.

Unfortunately, our leaders are blinded by ideology, political expediency and a looming election. The next attack may come at a place less remote than the Benghazi consulate."

Commenters: Beltway Republicans are more like Beltway Democrats than the electorate:

"darrell5151 14 hours ago

Then after all this, Senator Rand Paul submitted a bill, with conditions, to stop sending our tax dollars to these animals. The Senate voted on it. Well it didn't pass. Not only did it not pass, it was voted down in a landslide. Republicans and Democrats alike voted it down. The only time these fools seem to work together, always turns up being against what the American people want. They voted and then ran home for recess. I sent my two spineless Republican Senators emails that I was not happy. We all need to remind them, they work for us, not the other way around. Here's the roll call. Call them, email them, or whatever, but let these cowards know how we feel."


"swordofzorro 10 hours ago parent 
Did you see Jim DeMint on Hannity obfuscate the notion that we shouldn't send money to Egypt?? I was aghast at how he tried to quickly dodge the question and suggest American shouldn't disengage from the world. Did the virus get to him too?? He voted for the bill but his words on Hannity leaves me puzzled."


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