Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama says Americans identified with street protesters in Arab Spring. One is left to assume he sees all Americans as 'Occupy' kids and hangers on with criminal records who would've elected the Muslim Brotherhood

He's even wrong about the Tunisians he brags about. They hate him.

9/25/12, "Obama: 'We Recognized Our Own Beliefs In ... Men and Women Who Took to Streets'," CNS News, Susan Jones

"Hailing a “season of progress” in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, President Barack Obama told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that Americans see themselves in the protests that swept the Arab world."...


Ed. note: Unspeakably sick, selfish, callous.

Obama's ideas are the opposite of Americans, they're even the opposite of  Tunisians he just bragged about: "The Americans are with the Islamists. They support Ennahda in Tunisia and the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia."

 3/25/12, "Tunisian Islamists step up demand for Islamic state," Reuters


"The dour men and women of Ennahda, Tunisia's version of the Muslim Brotherhood."...Tunisians say, "we made the revolution and they got the power."

3/21/12, "No to America and No to Radical Islam," World Affairs, Michael Totten

"Radical Islamists are making inroads in the Arab world's most advanced, liberal, and tolerant country. And the secularists think the United States is helping them do it....

People here think the United States is cooperating with Ennahda,” said local journalist Ashraf Ayadi, referring to the Islamists who won 42 percent of the vote in the election last October. Even though a majority of Tunisians voted against them, they still got more votes than any of the other various parties, so they got to choose the prime minister.

People here are against the United States helping Ennahda,” Ayadi continued. “All Americans who come here are against the Islamists, but the American government is supporting them. I wish we had a good, modern, respectful Islamic party. I'm a Muslim and I'm proud of it, but I'm not proud of this party.”

The Americans are with the Islamists. They support Ennahda in Tunisia and the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia.

I've heard this complaint from every single secular person I've interviewed in this country without exception, from academics and democratic activists to journalists and teachers. They seem to be unanimously shocked and dismayed and appalled. The subject comes up again and again in conversation even when I ask about other things. It's impossible to spend any time here whatsoever without hearing about it.

These people are not part of a marginal fringe movement like their Egyptian counterparts. Politically secular Tunisians make up half the country or more. And they're depressed about what is happening now. Rami Sghayier, a young activist who does volunteer work with Amnesty International, seems to speak for most when he says, We made the revolution and they got the power.” They, of course, are the dour men and women of Ennahda, Tunisia's version of the Muslim Brotherhood.".


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