Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama in taxpayer funded ad blitz to "religious" savages rioting and murdering, says America really tolerates your "religion" of violence and murder, even though you behead people who leave your "religion" for another, we just lost our head for a minute (no pun intended)

This didn't begin because of a movie, countless witnesses have stated this emphatically as well as the president of Libya. Now the savages have the entire world's attention. Obama fans the flames, makes twisted references to America's founding and 'religious' tolerance. The media are delighted to work with Obama against America. They feel important. 30 people have died and counting.

9/21/12, "Obama, Clinton, in Ads Disavowing Anti Muslim Film which ‘Must Not Be Named’," L. L. Marcus
"The ad, which cost some $70,000, aired on approximately seven different television markets in Pakistan."
"On Thursday, September 20, President of the United States Barack Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, the US Secretary of State, were featured in a thirty second television spot paid for by American taxpayers that was intended to make clear to angry Pakistanis that the US government disapproves of the cheap, artless film that portrays the Islamic prophet Mohammed as a pedophile and a womanizer.  That film is blamed by many as the source of more than a week of rioting and violence by Muslims around the globe in which at least 30 people in seven countries are dead, including the American ambassador to Libya. Two people died in protests in Pakistan.
The ad, which cost some $70,000,  aired on approximately seven different television markets in Pakistan, according to U.S. State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland.

The statement includes clips of the President saying, “Since our founding, the United States has been a nation of respect – that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.”

Secretary Clinton then refers to the film, saying,  “Let me state very clearly that the United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America’s commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.”

In what is eerily reminiscent of the cowed population’s response to the evil villain in the Harry Potter series, the name of the offending film, “Innocence of Muslims,” is never mentioned.  The ad featuring Obama and Clinton is labeled: “President Obama and Secretary Clinton remark on the video circulating on the internet.”

There is also a series of videos with ordinary Americans explaining that the offensive video does not reflect the views of Americans.  That series is titled: “Americans Condemn the YouTube video.”  The ads were subtitled in Urdu.

Despite the official efforts to stem Muslim anger, thousands of Pakistanis attempted to storm the American Embassy in Islamabad on Thursday When riot police were unable to hold off the crowds, the Pakistani military was called in.

The Pakistani government has proclaimed Friday, the Islamic day of prayer which is when Muslim riots tend to be most extensive and violent, to be a national holiday so that the expected demonstrations can proceed “peacefully.”

The American officials did not film their statements for this advertisement, instead clips were taken from statements condemning the film each official had made earlier.  President Obama’s remarks were recorded in Washington, D.C. on September 12 and those of Secretary Clinton’s remarks were from September 13 in Morocco. The ad ends with the camera fixed on the official seal of the United States of America.

In other action taken by the US government on Thursday, all US citizens were warned to defer non-essential travel to Pakistan until further notice.  American consulates throughout Pakistan have been closed to the public all week." via Atlas Shrugs, via Free Republic


9/13/12, "No protest before Benghazi attack, wounded Libyan guard says," McClatchy, N. Youssef, S. Ali Zway, Benghazi, Libya


9/16/12, "Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'," Politico, K. Cirilli


9/16/12, "Consulate Attack Preplanned, Libya's President Says," NPR, Leila Fadel


Cairo embassy riots were planned at least as early as August 30:

9/12/12, "Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making," USA Today, Lynch, Dorell


9/15/12, "More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments," CNN, by Arwa Damon

"Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.
Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security."...


10/4/2010, "EDITORIAL: Islamic flag over the White House," Washington Times Editorial

 "Last year (2009), the Obama administration co-sponsored with Egypt a U.N. Human Rights Council resolution against “racial and religious stereotyping,” which offered cover to the Islamists in their drive to put any criticism of their religion off limits....

The OIC is currently campaigning to have so-called “Islamophobia” recognized by the international community as a form of racism prosecutable under international law. This would include any expression the Islamists find offensive, which in practice would amount to a global gag order on any critical discussion of Islam....

The leading countries in the OIC are among the least religiously tolerant in the world. In most cases, Christians, Jews, Hindus and others may not freely practice their faith, and under Koranic law, converts from Islam face the death penalty. The OIC has stated that any freedoms in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that conflict with Shariah do not apply to its members. If this is the type of cooperation the Obama administration is seeking to promote with Islam, then the “final hour” draws closer still. Mr. Obama said Jesus Christ died for his sins, but the United States continues to suffer for the president’s mistakes."


"Jake, we’re not impotent."... "Even as...Ms. Rice says that she’s making inroads in her struggle against (UN) Human Rights Council proposed resolutions like a ban on “defamation of religion,” there’s now a better chance that in Geneva such a resolution — which clearly violates America’s First Amendment — will sail through." Passed at Obama's urging, Dec. 2011.

12/20/12, "U.N. Adopts ‘Religious Intolerance’ Resolution Championed by Obama Administration," CNS News,


In 2010 under Obama the US submitted itself for the first time ever to a terrorist-filled UN Human Rights group for judgment. From this emerged a list of hundreds of ways the US needed to improve. "Cuba, Venezuela and Iran" and others scolded the US during the evaluation which culminated in 2011. The US is laughed at because it funnels billions of US taxpayer dollars yearly on a no-strings basis to an unelected, unaccountable parasitic group called the UN, then submits itself to a UN terrorist group for judgment:
3/18/11, "Obama Yields to UN on US 'Human Rights' Abuses," AP, Geneva

Nigerian holds amputated hand of man punished by Sharia law, 2/15/08. Nigeria is a member of the UN Human Rights Council to which Americans are now subservient.


Ed. note: Mr. Obama's cruelty has caused more misery, death and destruction on the planet than any other single human being in most of our lifetimes. Obama and the savages help each other.

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