Thursday, September 27, 2012

Journolist member mug shots, 'overwhelmingly white.' 4 years later people like Chris Matthews still can't think of a reason Obama should be in office except his skin color

9/23/12, "MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Says Black People Thank Him For Pulling The Race Card [Video],"

9/3/12, "Chris Matthews: "White" Media Poster Child," Diana West,


7/20/2010, "'Call Them Racists'," "How "journolists" tried to suppress the news." WSJ, James Taranto

Journolist members tried to get Obama elected in 2008 by silencing legitimate political debate. Since they couldn't come up with anything substantive, they said to just call opponents "racist."  

(Taranto link works sporadically. I put the whole title in yahoo search, try that. Even then it only works sporadically).


Journolist members themselves are "overwhelmingly white:"

July 30, 2010, "A Paler Shade Of White – The Journolist Conspirators,"

8/29/10, "The New Journolist Password: 'Overwhelmingly White'," Chicago Daily Observer, Bowman

Liberal media and Journolist types miraculously all came to the conclusion that a large, peaceful gathering of right of center and Tea Party supporters at a Glenn Beck rally in 2010 was "overwhelmingly white," apparent "proof" of racism. Perhaps they seek to divert attention from their own "overwhelming whiteness." Self appointed moral arbiter Politico even adds the Glenn Beck group "insists they're not racist."

  • "The crowd, however, was overwhelmingly white. ", Washington bureau, 8/28/10
  • "A relatively dense and overwhelmingly white crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial out past the Washington Monument." 8/28/10,

 "Meanwhile, many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward
  • to insist that they are not racists"...Politico, Hohmann, 8/28/10

"And where does he (Chris Matthews)  go for a break?

To his summer house on 87.85 percent white Nantucket -- once again, whiter than the GOP!"


Ed. note: These people apparently can think of no reason Obama should be in office except his skin color. Skin color has been their predominant theme for 4 years.


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