Tuesday, September 25, 2012

CBS "News" Charlie Rose refuses to allow legitimate criticism of Obama, interrupts Romney advisor 6 times in 50 seconds. Rose admitted in 2008-4 days before election-he knew nothing about Obama., CBS News and Rose still want the public to be ignorant about Obama

9/24/12, "CBS' Rose Interrupts Romney Adviser Six Times in 50 Seconds," Breitbart, Huston

"While Obama's surrogates seem to get all the time they want on network TV to spew out talking points and push their desired narrative, Romney surrogates aren't so lucky. Witness the otherwise soft spoken Charlie Rose of CBS who didn't seem willing to allow Romney spokesman Dan Senor to get a word in edgewise without Rose's constant interruptions. Shockingly, Rose interrupted Senor six times in 50 seconds during a recent CBS This Morning interview.

Rose asked Romney's adviser what would be the "first thing" Romney would do about Iran and its "effort to have a nuclear capacity."

Senor tried to answer the question and contrast Romney's ideas with what Obama has already done, but Rose wasn't having any of it. He interrupted Senor repeatedly as Senor tried to answer. Rose cut off Senor every time he tried to compare Obama's failures to what Romney would try to do. Rose simply would not allow any criticism of Obama to pass without interruption.

As Matt Balan notes, Rose wasn't nearly as animated during his interview of Democrat number three man, Senator Dick Durbin, eleven days earlier. During that interview, it was softball tossing all the way and the lefty Senator was allowed all the time he wanted to answer Rose's inquiries."


Charlie Rose on PBS, taped 10/30/08.

Charlie Rose notes we're coming into "what may be the most historic election of our time." He says what we know about Obama is primarily from his autobiography and 2 speeches. Rose asks esteemed journalist/opinion leader Tom Brokaw,

  • "What do you make of Barack Obama?"
Charlies Rose says, we've not had a real in depth discussion about foreign policy, we don't know a lot about the universe of this thinking.

Brokaw: "We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking. China has not been examined at all,
  • which is astonishing."...
Brokaw: "I don't know what books he's read."...


4 days before his election the pinnacle of American journalism freely admit they know nothing about Obama. They followed him for years but were not at all curious to pursue available substantive information about him for their own knowledge or to pass along to Americans in their esteemed roles.


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