Sunday, September 30, 2012

43% of voters "certain" will vote for Romney, 42% certain for Obama, among 15% undecided only 14% think economy will improve with Obama, 28% believe it will be better with Romney

9/30/12, "Daily Presidential Tracking Poll," Rasmussen

(parag. 4): "Currently, 43% of voters are “certain” they will vote for Romney. Forty-two percent (42%) are that certain they will vote for Obama. The remaining 15% are either uncommitted or open to changing their mind. To many Americans, especially partisan activists, it is hard to imagine how someone could be anything but certain at this point in time. One of the distinguishing features of these potentially persuadable voters is that they don’t see the choice between Romney and Obama as terribly significant. In terms of impacting their own life, just 28% say it will be Very Important which man wins.

There is particular pessimism among these persuadable voters about the economy. Only 14% think it will get better if the president is reelected. But just 28% believe it will improve with a Romney victory." via Drudge


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