Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Running tally of media bias v GOP convention. Media doesn't get it's about America and Americans, not just politicians and media members

8/28/12, "Tuesday's GOP Convention: An Anthology of Media Bias," Breitbart, John Nolte

"11:20 -- Obamafied Media Wonders Why There Was No Cult of Personailty Around Romney Tonight

The media is using the fact that Chris Christie and some other speakers didn't spend a lot of time gushing over Mitt Romney as further proof of their Narrative that this represents an enthusiasm gap. But this criticism is not only ridiculous, it's indicative of the bubble these media narcissists live in.

Because everything is always all about these corrupt media personalities and for four years now we've suffered under a failed narcissist-in-chief, the media simply doesn't understand that most of us aren't like them.

This convention and this campaign and this election isn't just about Mitt Romney; it's also about AMERICA and AMERICANS.

But through their own sheltered, elite lives and their experience under a president who does things like this, the media actually thinks there must be something wrong when they don't experience

  • yet another bath in a grotesque cult of personality.

You almost have to feel sorry for them.

Almost."...via Free Republic


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