Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney selection of Paul Ryan sent him to the lead in poll of 12 key swing states fueled by surge in independent voters-Purple Poll of 'Likely Voters'

8/15/12, "Ryan Rally: Romney beating Obama in new swing states poll," Washington Examiner, Conn Carroll

"Mittt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee has propelled him into the lead in a poll of 12 key swing states. In July, the PurplePoll (of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin) had Obama/Biden beating Romney/Ryan 47 percent to 45 percent. Today, PurplePoll has Romney/Ryan beating Obama/Biden 47 percent to 46 percent. PurplePoll reports:

"The Romney-Ryan ticket is fueled by an 11-point advantage among independents. This represents an increase from July, when Romney held a 5-point margin over Obama among that key group....

Ryan is the best liked of the four candidates, and his selection has bolstered Romney’s image. At 45% to 39%, Paul Ryan is the only member of either major party ticket who currently has higher favorables than unfavorables. He is extremely well-liked among Republicans (80%/9%), and independents have an overall favorable opinion of him (46%/37%).

The same poll now has Romney beating Obama in

  • Virginia (48/45), Ohio (46/44), and Florida (48/47).

In July, Purple poll had Romney only winning in Florida. The poll still has Obama ahead in Colorado."

The poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday and has a sample size of 1000 likely voters for the 12 swing states. The Colorado, Ohio, Florida, and Virginia polls each had a 600 likely voter sample size." via Free Republic


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