Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More blood on Obama's hands, illegal immigrants he declined to deport went on to commit numerous murders, attempted murders, and sex crimes

The committee subpoenaed data from the Homeland Security Department.

7/31/12, "Report: Illegals released by feds committed 19 murders, 142 sex crimes," Washington Times, S. Dinan

"The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday.

All told, the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program had a recidivism rate of 16 percent, the committee said....

Spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez said that given limited resources, they have to pick and choose which aliens they go after.

Because ICE is congressionally funded to remove a limited number of individuals each year, the agency prioritizes our enforcement efforts on individuals whose removal has the biggest impact on public safety, including immigrants convicted of crimes, violent criminals, felons, and repeat immigration law offenders,” she said."...via Drudge


Ed. note: The entire political class would be happy to have open borders. Extra murders don't bother them. Some of us would like to save the US from such suicidal and homicidal views. It may be too late for California, but we may save the rest of the states.


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