Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jerry Brown's California Air Reources Bd. admitted using fake scientist for climate scare bill, but no one was even fired and bill passed

Jerry, how much from
the billions you get from your Global Warming bill will go to fake California "scientist" Hien Tran with a mail order degree who made up statistics CARB used knowing they were fake because they wanted to pass a fraudulent bill? Jerry, scientists agree US CO2 has dropped since at least 2006 and is going lower, so man-caused CO2 danger no longer exists he US. Unless you're a science denier, you must admit your bill is grand theft.

8/17/12, "Editorial: Jerry Brown's overheated climate rhetoric," Orange County Register Editorial

"Pending auctions of greenhouse-gas permits will benefit only California’s government."

"It's probably no coincidence that Gov. Jerry Brown recently launched a website to scare Californians into embracing his global-warming hype. The state is about to launch a cap-and-trade scheme that potentially will raise billions of dollars for the government, ostensibly to fight global warming.

In reality, the money is likely to be diverted to more mundane political uses – like backfilling the huge budget hole perpetuated by Mr. Brown and the Democratic-controlled Legislature.

If Mr. Brown were more honest, he would acknowledge that his intention isn't to curb global warming, which we and many scientists maintain is a highly disputable threat. If he were straightforward, Mr. Brown would explain to Californians that his cap-and-trade penalties on large industrial emitters of greenhouse gases are nothing but a disguised tax to raise billions to finance already overblown government operations.

The governor's new website, a propaganda tool at taxpayer expense to refute critics of global warming alarmism, is called "Climate Change, Just the Facts." You can find it here: http://climatechange.ca.gov/

You can find contrary views at the Climate Depot http://climatedepot.com/ and Watts Up With That http://wattsupwiththat.com/. Both sites link to countless others that take views contrary to Gov. Brown's.

What you won't find on Mr. Brown's government website is an even-handed treatment. The governor invokes the demagogic claim that, "we need to end the climate change debate and focus on how to solve the problem."

Pesky debates and their incessant habit of raising questions and offering contrary facts are anathema to Mr. Brown's agenda, which is to push ahead with Draconian government regulations and revenue-raising schemes such as cap-and-trade authorized by Assembly Bill 32, the 2006 law known as the Global Warming Solutions Act.

California will begin auctions in November, which will set in motion a government-created, faux marketplace where emitters of greenhouse gases can buy permits to emit. The scheme is projected by Gov. Brown to raise as much as $1 billion in its first year. It also will result in dramatically higher energy costs to industry and consumers, have a dampening effect on the economy and probably induce more companies and residents to relocate out of state.

But in the short-term, Mr. Brown will add to government coffers, which could be described as the theme of his administration. The governor also wants voters to raise income taxes on high earners and OK a quarter-cent increase in the sale tax.

We don't know whether the governor believes his global warming hype, as misguided as we and others believe it to be. But we are certain the governor believes in extracting as much money in taxes, fees and by other means from the private sector
  • to feed the government spending machine."


How much from the 'several billion dollars each year' will go to fake California "scientist" Hien Tran with a mail order degree who made up statistics CARB used knowing they were fake because they wanted to pass a fraudulent bill?

May 29, 2012, "California counting its carbon tax riches," Cal Watchdog, Katy Grimes

(Scroll down for subhead:)

"Cap and Trade revenue hearing

CARB’s Board of Directors held a hearing last week to discuss the anticipated revenues from upcoming Cap and Trade auctions, and how they planned to spend the windfall monies....

Nichols reported that CARB does not know how much money will come in from carbon trading auctions, but the CARB Board estimates “several billion dollars each year.”"...


10/8/10, "Overestimate fueled state's landmark diesel law," San Francisco Chronicle, Wyatt Buchanan

"California grossly miscalculated pollution levels in a scientific analysis used to toughen the state's clean-air standards, and scientists have spent the past several months revising data and planning a significant weakening of the landmark regulation, The Chronicle has found.

The pollution estimate in question was too high - by 340 percent, according to the California Air Resources Board, the state agency charged with researching and adopting air quality standards. The estimate was a key part in the creation of a regulation adopted by the Air Resources Board in 2007, a rule that forces businesses to cut diesel emissions by replacing or making costly upgrades to heavy-duty, diesel-fueled off-road vehicles used in construction and other industries.

The staff of the powerful and widely respected Air Resources Board said the overestimate is largely due to the board calculating emissions before the economy slumped, which halted the use of many of the 150,000 diesel-exhaust-spewing vehicles in California. Independent researchers, however, found huge overestimates in the air board's work on diesel emissions and attributed the flawed work to a faulty method of calculation - not the economic downturn.

The overestimate, which comes after another bad calculation by the air board on diesel-related deaths that made headlines in 2009, prompted the board to suspend the regulation this year while officials decided whether to weaken the rule....

Mary Nichols, chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board, offered no explanation when The Chronicle questioned her about the diesel emissions miscalculation....

One of the major recent problems was an air board estimate of premature deaths caused by particulate matter spewing from diesel engines. The first calculation found 18,000 deaths a year in the state had links to particulate matter. That has been revised down by nearly half.

The revision was ordered after the board scientist who oversaw that study was outed as having faked his scientific credentials.

Roberts and other board members were not told by Nichols that the scientist, Hien Tran, lied about earning a doctorate from UC Davis before they voted in favor of regulations based in part on his science. That vote took place in December 2008.

Nichols, who acknowledges she knew about the falsification prior to the vote, has apologized for not sharing that information with her fellow board members."...


May 2012, "The Fraud of Hien T. Tran," killcarb.org

"Hien T. Tran was the lead scientist who wrote the (CARB) report upon which the heavy duty truck and bus regulations are based. He bought a mail order Ph.D. from Thornhill "University" located at 255 Madison, New York. Using his fake Ph.D., the unqualified liar applied for and got the position as Manager of the Health and Ecosystem Assessment Section. Some of the board members, the chair of the California Air Resources Board, Mary Nichols knew of the fraud before voting on the controversial regulation. The board members who knew, kept the information from other board members for nearly a year after the vote. The Governor also had the information and failed to take action."

"Ad Hoc Group Demands CARB Replacement of Tran Report"


Fake California scientist wasn't even fired.

above photo from killcarb.org


8/9/12, "Scientists find 50-year decline in some Los Angeles vehicle-related pollutants," AGU, American Geophysical Union


5/21/10, "Polluted by Profit: Johann Hari on the Real ClimateGate," IndependentUK, Johan Hari

"Suddenly, these forests they run become assets, and they are worth
billions in a carbon market as offsets."...

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