Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gigantic Asshole Karl Rove 'Rappin' MC Rove' at the 2007 Radio and TV Correspondents dinner in Washington, March 2007


"Karl Rove Rappin At The Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner," March 2007.

Time's Top 10, "Shockingly embarrassing, no matter your politics," says Time. (One of few occasions when Time gets it right).

Ed. note: I saw this clip for the first time this morning on Democracy Now cable news show which is of course a far left show. I happened to flip by and they were talking about Rove. They had a guy on named Craig Unger who has a new book out called 'Boss Rove.' According to Unger, Rove has swallowed the entire Republican Party, he's the most important person in the party, etc. Well, he certainly hasn't swallowed me. I thought everyone knew he was a pathetic asshole who as part of the Bush crowd actually destroyed the Republican Party, gave us Obama, is doing his best to see that Obama is re-elected and that the Republican Party remains in the minority. The Obama White House raves about him and the NY Times considers him their savior, 9/16/10, NY Times Editorial, "The Tea Party's Snarl." P.S. Rove felt bad that Obama lost a loyal fake Republican, 9/16/10, "Obama calls Mike Castle after his defeat in Delaware," Washington Post.

The following article was written shortly before the November 2010 elections:

10/22/10, "Karl Rove's Flameout" The Daily Beast, Matt Latimer

"The GOP guru’s campaign cash binge this fall is the last gasp of a guy with rich friends. Ex-Bush aide Matt Latimer on how Rove hurt his boss, and

  • why the right thinks he’s a fraud.

Political types tend to get suspicious when those on one side of the spectrum suddenly start complimenting their supposed worst enemies—the equivalent of Seinfeld hosting a testimonial for Newman or Eliot Ness carpooling with Al Capone.

Yet in the past few weeks, the White House and even The New York Times have done exactly that—heaping praise on their longtime nemesis, Karl Rove,

  • and his protégé, Ed Gillespie.

These guys are great political operatives,Obama strategist David Axelrod said, “and they will have an impact in this election.” The Times, meanwhile,

  • extolled Rove as a “master political strategist”
who is rebuilding the GOP majority. President Obama and Vice President Biden have done both men the great political favor of calling them out by name—almost
  • ensuring them more republican support and donations.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, this effort comes as an increasing number of conservatives—from Rush to Palin to scores of activists and high-level veterans of the Reagan Revolution—view Rove as part of the GOP’s unfortunate recent past. Indeed, they are even beginning to conclude that the oft-repeated belief that Rove is the savior of the GOP may be

  • one of the biggest political hoaxes in American political history.

At best, the man President Bush called “Turdblossom” has had a decidedly mixed record on the national level—losing the popular vote in 2000; barely beating a liberal aristocrat from Massachusetts in 2004; and, with the aid of Gillespie, presiding over the

loss of both houses of Congress in 2006,
  • and the White House in 2008.

Rove and his crew, one influential conservative put it later, “left a smoking hole

  • where the Republican Party once stood.”
We screwed up,” says party Chairman Michael Steele. Conservatives were “bamboozled,” says former Texas GOP Chairman Tom Pauken. “Betrayed” and “hijacked,” says veteran conservative activist Richard Viguerie. The administration was a conservative “impostor,” writes commentator Bruce Bartlett. Bush operatives “were afraid of ideas,” Newt Gingrich charges.Tokyo Rove was a recent entry on Michelle Malkin’s website.

Rove's overall tenure Michelle Malkin once wrote, was a “mark of self-delusion and blindness that has damaged the White House and the Beltway GOP.”"


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