Monday, August 27, 2012

Aslan's Nathan Lean being observed by FBI after series of veiled threats

"I therefore duly forwarded all these communications to the FBI, and they've informed me that they're keeping on eye on Nathan Lean."...

8/26/12, "Los Angeles Times calls for restrictions on freedom of speech of counter-jihadists," Jihadwatch, Robert Spencer

"Before reading Nathan Lean's call for the restriction of the freedom of speech of critics of jihad and Islamic supremacism in the Los Angeles Times, it is illuminating to bear a few things in mind.

First: Nathan Lean, the editor-in-chief of Aslan Media, is a thug who has sent me numerous veiled threats. For security reasons, I maintain several offices and mailboxes in different parts of the country, and don't actually live near any of them or check the mail in them myself. Nathan Lean got hold of one of the addresses, and several months ago tweeted me, in a complete non-sequitur, the name of the state it is in. A week later, he sent me another tweet including the name of the city where one of these mailboxes is located. Four months after that, he sent me an email calling me a "dumb fuck" and adding "But, having a look at this, I kind of pity you," which was followed by a link containing a photo of a woman in the same city. The woman has the same surname as mine; apparently Lean thought she was my wife.

Now, the purpose of these tweets and emails is unmistakable: Nathan Lean was signaling to me that he thought he knew my whereabouts (and that of my family), despite my attempts to conceal them. And why would he want me to think that he knew where I was? So that I would be frightened into silence, afraid that one of his many violence-inclined allies might do me in if I continued to speak out for freedom and human rights. I therefore duly forwarded all these communications to the FBI, and they've informed me that they're keeping on eye on Nathan Lean.

Yet this gutter thug still remains in the employ of Islamic supremacist hate propagandist Reza Aslan, and is published in the Los Angeles Times, which tells you a great deal about Reza Aslan and the Los Angeles Times.

Second, by publishing this thug's screed calling for restriction of the freedom of speech, the Los Angeles Times is cutting its own throat. For my opinions are certainly politically incorrect today, but if Lean succeeds in getting them criminalized, his patrons at the LA Times might find one day that they, too, hold an opinion unacceptable to those in power, but the precedent to silence them will already have been set, with their willing help.

"Anders Behring Breivik: Norway's sane killer," by Nathan Lean in the Los Angeles Times, August 26 (thanks to all who sent this in):

...The Islamophobia that led Breivik to his ruinous binge, for example, came from his digestion of the writings of several anti-Muslim activists, including bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, who head the group Stop the Islamization of America. Breivik mentioned them in his 1,500-page manifesto, posted online.

Nathan Lean must get up every morning and thank Allah for Anders Behring Breivik; after all, where would he be without him? In any case, as long as Lean keeps repeating his libel, I will keep telling the truth: while he'd like you to believe that Breivik's "manifesto" is just Geller and me through and through, actually Breivik cited many, many people, including Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Thomas Jefferson -- who are just three of the many who are never blamed for his murders. Also swept under the rug is the fact that whether he is sane or not, Breivik's manifesto is actually quite ideologically incoherent -- so far was he from being a doctrinaire counter-jihadist that he wanted to aid Hamas and ally with jihad groups. I am no more responsible for Breivik than the Beatles are for Charles Manson."...via Atlas Shrugs


8/16/12, "Norway Police Chief Resigns After Breivik Report," WSJ, John D. Stoll

"Norway's national police commissioner, Oystein Meland, has resigned three days after a state-issued report suggested last year's terror attacks that killed 77 people could have been prevented....

The resignation comes in the wake of a scathing Aug. 13 report issued by an independent commission that was looking into Norway's response to the July 22, 2011 terror attacks in Oslo and on Utoya island by confessed killer Anders Behring Breivik. The commission determined Mr. Breivik could have been arrested sooner had police reaction been better coordinated.

At a news conference shortly after the report came out, Mr. Meland said that a faster response to Utoya was possible and that the killer could have been stopped sooner. "We failed on July 22 last year," he said. "I feel a heavy responsibility for these police failures."

The police ran into several problems on their way to the island. The small boat used by the first-response team almost sank because it was too light to carry 11 heavily armed officers, and a local volunteer rescued the special-force team with a private boat. The lack of access to a police helicopter, because pilots were on holiday, is also widely thought to have delayed the response time.

The commission also questioned why the local police in the island's district, Nordre Buskerud, didn't immediately try to reach Utoya. Instead, the report said, they observed the island from the mainland shore a short distance away and cleared traffic to make way for a special forces unit coming from Oslo. However, local police knew children had been shot and wounded on the island, and saw others escaping by boat or by swimming."


Ed. note: Al Gore's book was found in the Unibomber's shed but no one blamed Gore for what the Unibomber did.

9/2/10, "Al Gore's Poison," American Thinker, Brian Sussman


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