Thursday, July 19, 2012

Obama's right, George Washington fought the Hessians on government built roads which made marching easier


7/19/12, "Obama’s Right: We Didn’t Build That! (A Revised Historical List)," Save Jersey, Ed Sheppard

"Obama’s right, Save Jerseyans: we, the private sector peons who labor for our government masters, didn’t “build” anything. We, the citizens, can’t do anything on our own.

The government is the end all and be all! It’s a bureaucrat’s world, and we’re just lucky enough to be living in it and enjoying the fruits!

For example…

When Washington defeated the Hessians in the pivotal Battle of Trenton, it was all because of government built roads which made marching easier AND NOTHING ELSE! American victory had nothing to do with Washington’s cunning and tactics or the bravery and execution of his courageous citizen soldiers. Thank you, Government, for birthing yourself! A few more?

When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, it was due to a little known law Congress passed saying clothes could no longer be made of leather AND NOTHING ELSE. It had nothing to Whitney using his knowledge to vastly improve upon a production process. Thank you, Government, for knowing what were going to do before we did it!

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it was all because the government mandated that candles should be phased out over the next 10 years for environmental concerns, AND NOTHING ELSE. It had nothing to do with Edison’s intellect or pursuit of a dream. Thank you, Government, for then there was light and it was good!

When the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, it was all because of a recent tax credit package, passed by Congress, that encouraged gravity defying travel AND NOTHING ELSE. Human flight had nothing to do with the remarkable scientific ingenuity of two brothers. Thank you, Government, for taking us to new heights of dependency!

When Steve Jobs started Apple in his parent’s garage, it was all because a building inspector approved the design of his house 15-20 years prior AND NOTHING ELSE. The personal computing revolution had nothing to do with Steve Jobs’s hardwork or vision. Thank you, Government, for regulating the iPod into existence!

And when I spent 12 hours in my office on the 4th of July tackling nothing but government-generated paperwork while government employees had a paid day off, it was most definitely all because of the government, and nothing else. Thank you, Government! (Hey, that one’s true!)

As you can see from this brief (revised) history lesson, Save Jerseyans, our American History is one filled with the spirit of freedom and individualism. It’s what fuels our greatness and sets us apart on the world stage. Ours is a noble tradition which proves, indisputably, time and again, that people can achieve their dreams and fulfill their destinies because the government got out of their way and let them achieve greatness!

Then along comes Barack Obama who says the private sector succeeds because of government intervention. You’ve got it backwards, sir. We’ve succeeded in spite of politicians like you!" photo of Washington above from Save Jersey


Below is :56 clip of Obama's comments on 7/13/12 re: you didn't do it on your own, via C-Span. Nothing has been taken out of context. Most interesting to me is his tone of voice, ie the remarks weren't just made in passing. His voice is at a high pitch, his facial expression and tone of voice convey impatience and scorn:


No amount of "context" can hide his impatience on the road to "fundamentally transforming America."

7/19/12, "AP's (reporter) Peoples Tells Readers What Obama 'Intended' in 'You Didn't Build That, Somebody Else Made That Happen' Remark," NewsBusters, Tony Blumer

"On July 13, President Barack Obama told a campaign audience in Roanoke that "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." As Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters pointed out on Wednesday, it wasn't until July 17 that any of the Big Three broadcast TV news networks recognized the existence of the remark -- and two of them failed to run the actual quote.

Part of the reason for the avoidance is that the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, which seems to be serving as the establishment press's signal caller and official Obama administration water carrier, has given the remark little heed -- so little that, as is so often the case with controversial remarks made by leftists or Democrats, Obama opponent Mitt Romney had to force it into the news by incorporating it into his stump speech. At that point, as seen in Steve Peoples' Tuesday writeup carried at (HT to an NB tipster; the story is already gone at the AP's national site), the wire service went into "mean Republicans attack" and "what he really meant" modes (bolds are mine)....

".. Romney is trying shift attention away from his business record and his tax returns."...

In Obama's warped world, you didn't close the sale; "somebody else" did. You didn't screen, vet, hire, and motivate employes; "somebody else" did. You didn't organize and manage your work flow, vendor, and customer relationships; "somebody else" did. On a more personal level, you didn't orchestrate the complex elements (incuding government red tape) of building of your new home; "somebody else" did.

No amount of "context" can paper over the fact that in Obama's world successful people don't have a right to claim credit for their success. The government and the collective deserve all of it, and how dare you think otherwise? There's no room for, or even acknowledgment of, "individual initiative" in the president's "you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen" remark.

The fact that the establish press sat on the remark and only covered it when Romney forced it into the discussion shows how toxic -- perhaps even more toxic than the his "the private sector is doing fine" howler several weeks ago -- it really is."


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