Wednesday, July 25, 2012

No advanced society has ever tried to force big government on a third of a billion people for the simple reason it can't be done-Mark Steyn

Something like ObamaCare forced on a huge, advanced society can only corrupt, bankrupt and destroy the host.

July 9, 2012, "Lights out for U.S.-style Big Government," Mark Steyn,

"But no advanced society has ever attempted Big Government for a third of a billion people for the simple reason that it cannot be done without creating a nation with the black-hole finances of Stockton, California, and the Black-Hole-of-Calcutta fetid, airless, sweatbox utility services of Rockville, Maryland. Thanks to Obamacare, in matters of health provision, whether you're in favor of socialized medicine or truly private health care, Swedes and Italians are now freer than Americans: They have a state system and a private system, and both are relatively simple. What's simple in micro-regulated America? In health care, we now have what's nominally a private system encrusted with so many statist barnacles that it no longer functions as either a private or state system. Thus, Obamacare embodies the strange no-man's-land of statism American-style: The U.S. is no longer a land of republican virtue and self-reliant citizens but it's not headed for the sunlit uplands of Scandinavia, either.

In their book "The Size Of Nations," Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore argue that, if America were as centrally governed as France, it would have broken up long ago. But hey, that's no reason not to try it! In a land where everything else is supersized, why not government? Obituaries for the late Andy Griffith generally glossed over his career finale as a pitchman for Obamacare. But he was a canny choice to sell the unsellable, for is not "health" "care" "reform" the communitarian virtues of beloved small-town Mayberry writ large? The problem is, you can't write Mayberry large.

And, if you attempt it, it leads not to Mayberry but to Stockton, California, and to a corrupt, dysfunctional swamp.
A large Sweden is a contradiction in terms. It cannot be done, and the more determinedly you try to do it, the more you will preside over a ruined wasteland. The road to hell isn't paved at all, and the street lamps went out long ago." (scroll down)


The US no longer has a 2 party system. ObamaCare has solidified that were it ever in doubt. All elected persons in the Beltway have decreed gold plated health care for themselves. They have decreed the slave class will pay for their coverage or go to prison. The so-called GOP are thrilled they can finally be out in the open about this with no apologies. They don't need us.

7/24/12, "House GOP Leaders Indicate They Will Fund Implementation of Obamacare," CNS News, Harrington and Street


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