Monday, July 2, 2012

Last Thursday is A Day That Will Live in Infamy between laughing John Roberts and an Attorney General in contempt over a dead American

In any case, John Roberts isn't worried about it.

7/1/12, "THE EDITOR'S COLUMN: U.S. navigating the Twilight Zone now," Morning Journal (Northern Ohio)

"From coast to coast, it didn’t matter what time zone you lived in on Thursday; on that day, Americans all entered the Twilight Zone, with the Supreme Court’s 5-4 upholding of Obamacare, and congressional Democrats’ walkout on the contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Whether we emerge from this Twilight Zone period whole as a nation or spiral downward into deepening political and social madness remains to be seen....

This year, the nation is split by mutually exclusive visions of whether the United States will keep Constitutionally enshrined individual liberty and limited central government as its core principles. Or will the Constitution, in effect, be discarded and individual liberty be locked in the freedom-suffocating embrace of a socialist nanny federal government....

If it’s a tax only because the chief justice says it’s a tax, then that’s akin to taxation without representation, because the people didn’t elect Roberts. Only Congress, elected by the people, can enact a tax, and then only if it originates in the House of Representatives. Obamacare was introduced in the Senate, not the House; the text of the law doesn’t call the mandate a tax, so how can it be OK only because it’s a tax, according to Roberts?...

Obamacare must be repealed also because its immense costs will suffocate the economy, its financial disincentives will deplete the nation’s supply of doctors and stifle medical innovation. Its tangle of bureaucratic roots will ensnare every family and destroy our ability to get the care that we want, not what bureaucratic paper-pushers want us to have.

On Thursday afternoon, the House voted 255-67 to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for persistent failure to turn over subpoenaed documents in a congressional investigation of the deadly Fast and Furious gunwalking debacle operated by Holder’s Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Holder’s crew let more than 2,000 guns get into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, and those guns wound up involved in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and the murder of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry....

It was Terry’s death in December 2010 that prompted whistleblowers to reveal the operation. The mainstream media ignored the story for a year. Meanwhile, a group of bloggers, notably Mike Vanderboegh, David Codrea and Dave Workman, kept the revelations coming and spurred the congressional investigation by Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, along with Sen. Chuck Grassley, that led to Thursday’s vote, which the mainstream media couldn’t ignore.

But only 17 Democrats in the House voted for contempt. Another 109, including the Congressional Black Caucus, walked out without voting.

The walkout came after a parade of sickening speeches that dismissed the investigation as a political witch hunt against Holder. They spun and danced around the facts of Fast and Furious, the deaths of Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexicans and the fact that the Mexican government was kept in the dark. They claimed President Obama’s 11th hour use of executive privilege as a reason to excuse Holder. They repeated the lie that Fast and Furious began under the Bush administration. They played the race card for Holder. It was an ugly scene as those 109 walked out on their duty, their country and simple justice.

For the local record, Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur was among those who did not vote; and Democrat Rep. Betty Sutton voted against contempt. Republican Rep. Bob Latta, who represents Huron County, voted for contempt.

In all, it was an unspeakably sad week: A Chief Justice spouts nonsense and damages the Constitution that he’s sworn to protect, to foster a law that crushes individual liberty. More than 100 Democrat members of Congress spin, duck and deny, rather than help to investigate allegations that the attorney general’s men, to further the president’s political agenda, illegally gave guns to savage criminals, who then predictably used them to kill hundreds of people, including an American law enforcement agent.

That’s all a great worry. But an even greater worry is that reaction to this news shows many in the voting public see nothing wrong with this picture. What that clash of vision means for our nation’s future is the greatest worry of all now."


The political class is united against the people as described in Codevilla's "The Lost Decade" which commenced Sept. 11, 2001:

10/20/11, "The lost decade," Claremont Institute, Angelo M. Codevilla

"At home, the American people are less free, less prosperous, more bitterly divided, and much less hopeful in 2011 than in 2001 because a decade of the War on Terror brought a government ever bigger and more burdensome, as well as security” measures that impede the innocent rather than focusing on wrongdoers. Our ruling class justified its ever-larger role in America’s domestic life by redefining war as a never-ending struggle against unspecified enemies for abstract objectives, and by asserting expertise far above that of ordinary Americans. "...


6/29/12, "Roberts jokes about trip to 'impregnable' fortress," AP

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts joked that he'll spend some time on an "impregnable island fortress" now that the court has ended a session that featured him casting the decisive vote to uphold President Barack Obama's health care law.

Responding to a question about his summer break, Roberts said he planned to teach a class for two weeks in Malta, the Mediterranean island nation.

"Malta, as you know, is an impregnable island fortress. It seemed like a good idea," Roberts said, drawing laughter from about 300 judges, attorneys and others attending a four-day conference Friday at a posh southwestern Pennsylvania resort."...

via Lucianne

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