Saturday, July 28, 2012

John Boehner says GOP House may fund Obama attack on Catholic liberty. Why is no democrat running v Boehner in Ohio 8 2012? Because dems. like him

Boehner has no fear whatsoever of voters and is happier being in the minority. Boehner appears to have no democrat opponent in Ohio's 8th. Meaning democrats are happy with him. Michele Bachmann for Speaker of the House.

7/26/12, "Boehner Indicates GOP House May Fund Obama's 'Attack on Religious Liberty'," CNS News, Jon Street

"Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) indicated Thursday that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives that he leads may go ahead and provide the Obama administration with the funding it needs to implement a regulation that earlier this year Boehner himself called "an unambiguous attack on religious freedom in our country."

At a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, Boehner said he believes "resolving" the regulation's attack on religious liberty may not be something for Congress to deal with because he thinks it may be one of those policy goals that "can sometimes best be done [through] other than legislative avenues.""...


Among comments to this article on Free Republic:


"This guy has got to go."


"OK... the GOP really is dead."


"The putz should be sent Uzbekistan, they’re short a couple of idiots."


"Boner looks like he’s been hitting the bottle pretty hard. Time for a maverick to come in and challenge him for the good of whats left of the party."


"Boehner needs to go. He is no leader in these critical times."


"Mr. Boehner, you are a lackey of the Devil. You are a writhing worm in the dirt.

You are a disgrace to America."


"What, in the name of Heaven, is wrong with Boehner?!

Can he be recalled? Can there be a vote of ‘no confidence’?

For his lack of usefulness, he might as well be a Dem!"


"To even consider this course of action, yes they really are dead. And they have no souls."


"He has not been a leader since day one as Speaker.

Wusses out the first chance he gets on EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING."


"Keep trusting the RINOs, you RomneyBOTs.



"Don’t worry people, Romney will save us. /s"


"Good grief!
Please tell me the Republicans fully intend to flush this turd Boehner down the toilet."


"This Schmedrik has got to be put out to pasture."


"Big corporations want to drop health care insurance. They are putting a LOT of pressure to keep Obamacare. The Weeper is only doing what he is told to do."


"Anyone still believe their "feet can be held to the fire"?"


"Those of you thinking that Romney won’t exhibit the exact same behavior and much worse given his lying, left-wing, Progressive Liberal record as Governor are smoking something funny!"


"This weak-dick is our bulwark against the the enemies who are dis-assembling our Republic? He has to go, the Rino's have to go, and the whole of the GOP establishment who have turned out to be nothing but but a pack of Judas-goats have to go! Get them out of here and let the Conservative Movement be reborn without the stink of their equivocations upon us!"






"Has Boehner and Cantor ever really hold ground and win for any issue? They are pretty effective going after Bachmann, though."


"Nah, how’s about Michelle Bachmann? She has more b@lls than most of the men up on Crapitol Hell. :)"


"The “guy”?? It’s not just him, it’s the whole group of GOP elite. yeah. You guys who are going to just cower and vote for Romney. You think this is bad? The horror has just begun if he runs the GOP."


"I will tell them Yorkie! I'm tired of this BS! This is my Country and, on behalf of myself and the millions of men and women who have taken up arms in its defense, I WANT IT BACK!!!

And I will have it back - I will not go quietly to my grave turning over my Beloved Nation to my children and my children's children while it lies in the hands of these Marxists, atheists and perverts! The tail has wagged the dog long enough!"


"Here’s how you do it:

1) Michele Bachmann needs to get together with Jim DeMint and approach every single K-Street corporate lobbyist with the following proposition: Support our leadership in the House and the Senate and, in return, we will scrap the corporate income tax in the United States. Gone. 0%. This will cost the federal government at most an extra $300 billion per year. Considering the fact that the federal government spends in excess of $3 trillion per year, it’s a drop in the bucket. Besides, the Laffer Curve effect will probably increase total income tax receipts due to increased economic activity. America would become the world’s premier tax haven for international business concerns to base their operations in the U.S.A.

2) Bachmann and DeMint need to go to the Big Tobacco firms and get control of the Tobacco checkbook that Cry-Baby Boner and Turkey Gobbler McConnel currently control. That is the source of both of these jackwagons REAL power; the Big Tobacco money.

3) Hire a couple of Private Investigators to dig up ALL of the dirt on Cry-Baby Boner and Turkey Gobbler McConnel.

4) Fund to the hilt Cry-Baby Boner’s Democrat opponent in Ohio. I don’t care if he is the second-coming of Karl Marx. He [or she] will be nothing but a back bencher in the 113th Congress.

Time to go all LBJ with these penny ante yokels."


Rush Limbaugh has explained many times that the ruling class GOP (which includes Boehner) does not consider democrats to be enemy number one. They have white-hot hatred of conservatives and will go to any lengths to prevent them from getting what they want:

11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

Spoken after the historic Tea Party victories in November 2010 that landed in the GOP because they had nowhere else to go, not because the GOP wanted most of them.

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page, Rush was using the term conservatives generally describing the new people elected in Nov. 2010)... Apparently the

  • establishment Republicans
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that
  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...


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