Friday, July 13, 2012

Establishment GOP just want to defeat Tea Party, 'don't care about winning elections,' pushing Carbon Tax as way to weaken Tea Party

7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?", Marlo Lewis

"But there has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicans — who care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):

There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservativeswho are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution,” he added. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.”(begin parag. 11)...

As noted here, earlier this week, former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) launched a new institute with Rockefeller Family Fund backing [oil money] to promote carbon taxes as a ‘Republican idea.’ Inglis said nothing to suggest that he views carbon taxes as an alternative to EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations, or that one of his objectives is to rein in the agency

  • and return control over climate policy to the people’s representatives."


Ed. note: These guys must know the issue of US CO2 is moot--CO2 isn't poison, but assuming it were, US CO2 emissions have dropped steadily since at least 2006 and are going lower. Other countries' have not--despite billions spent on cap and trade and extra taxes. It's easy to sell out hick Americans so why not?

US CO2 shows steep drop and is going lower:

6/26/12, "The Incredible Shrinking Carbon Pollution Forecast - Part 2,", Dan Lashof


6/29/12, "US Carbon Output Forecasts Shrink Again," American Interest, Walter Russell Mead


6/4/12, "
Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006," Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage


6/22/12, "U.S. cuts greenhouse gases despite do-nothing Congress," CNN, Steve Hargreaves

"Even factoring in a stronger economy, forecasters see greenhouse gas emissions continuing to fall."...


4/21/12, "Why [CO2] Emissions Are Declining in the U.S. But Not in Europe," by Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus,

"As we note below in a new article for Yale360, a funny thing happened: U.S. emissions started going down in 2005 and are expected to decline further over the next decade."


7/2/12, "CO2 Emissions Will Likely Fall This Year to 1991 Levels," Carpe Diem, Mark J. Perry


11/23/11, "Europe's $287 billion carbon 'waste': UBS report," The Australian, by Sid Maher

"SWISS banking giant UBS says the European Union's emissions trading scheme has cost the continent's consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting carbon emissions."...EU CO2 trading provided "windfall profits" to participants paid for by "electricity customers.""


4/23/12, "'I made a mistake': Gaia theory scientist James Lovelock admits he was 'alarmist' about the impact of climate change," UK Daily Mail, L. Warren


7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe


10/8/10, "Murder on the Carbon Express: Interpol Takes On Emissions Fraud," Mother Jones, M. Schapiro


5/6/12, "US Leads EU in CO2 Reductions," Walter Russell Mead, American Interest


1/25/2009, "Global warming industry becomes too big to fail," Timothy Carney, Washington Examiner


A 2011 report noted EIA results through 2009, US CO2 emissions dropped steadily since 1999. If, hypothetically, US temperatures have been on the increase, they couldn't possibly be related to US carbon dioxide emissions:

4/14/11, "Biggest Drop in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions," World Climate Report

"In 2009, greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. experienced their biggest drop since the U.S. Energy Information Administration began tracking them during the 1990-2009 timeframe."


2001 began "The Lost Decade," when US politicians stole the country from the people:

10/20/11, "The lost decade," Claremont Institute, Angelo M. Codevilla

"At home, the American people are less free, less prosperous, more bitterly divided, and much less hopeful in 2011 than in 2001 because a decade of the War on Terror brought a government ever bigger and more burdensome, as well as security” measures that impede the innocent rather than focusing on wrongdoers. Our ruling class justified its ever-larger role in America’s domestic life by redefining war as a never-ending struggle against unspecified enemies for abstract objectives, and by asserting expertise far above that of ordinary Americans."...

via Tom Nelson

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