Friday, July 27, 2012

Chicago Minister Louis Farrakhan opposes gay marriage, has Mayor Rahm Emmanuel called him out for lack of 'Chicago Values?'

5/30/12, "Min. Louis Farrakhan Slams President Obama Over Gay Marriage Endorsement,", Latifah Muhammad

"Nation of Islam leader Min. Louis Farrakhan has been a vocal critic of President Obama, so it comes as no surprise that the religious leader couldn't be more opposed to the commander in chief's views on same-sex marriage.

Farrakhan spoke at the California Convention Center over the weekend, and while holding up the Newsweek cover that pegs Obama as the “first gay president,” he accused the president of sanctioning “what the scripture forbids.” Despite his comments, Farrakhan noted that he is not homophobic, but rather speaking only on a religious platform. “I'm not your enemy. I'm your brother, and I do love you,” he explained. “Males coming to males with lust in their hearts as they should to a female. Now don't you dare say Farrakhan was preaching hate; he's homophobic. I'm not afraid of my brothers and sisters or others who may be practicing what God condemned in the days of Lot. That's not our job to be hateful of our people. Our job is to call us to sanity.”

The 79-year-old's latest rips on the president's personal response to a globally controversial issue is a far cry from his previous feelings towards Obama. In 2008, Farrakhan likened the president to “the Messiah,” but in the years since has found himself moving further away from support, and closer to enemy territory."...via Howie Carr


7/27/12, "Chick-fil-A versus Chicago values," Washington Times, Peter Bella


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