Monday, July 16, 2012

Bankrupt San Bernardino owes $1 billion in 'redevelopment bonds,' now wants to get into the underwater mortgage racket

"It's much easier to seize wealth than to produce it."

7/11/12, "Travesty of the Day," San Bernardino Fraud, DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21

"The City of San Bernardino, CA has just declared bankruptcy. This is a page from their miserable confession. Look at the chart. It shows that they lied about the amount of money they actually had. The July 1st balance is the true balance and the Staff Reported Fund Balance is the lie. In 2011-12 the city was lying and saying it had $2 million when it was really over a million in the hole. What are the consequences for the liars? Well?...What they don't tell you is that this decidedly downscale town is ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT FOR REDEVELOPMENT BONDS.

You can probably buy the whole town for less than that. So they were destroyed by the greed, manipulation, and conniving of the Redevelopment Agency. We must remind you that Redevelopment is a funding and implementation arm for UN Agenda 21. Government subsidies for smart growth--the preferred development style of UN A21. Click on the red and read the propaganda project summary that got San Bernardino into their death gasp--and then compare it to what your town is doing. 'Compass Blueprint' 'Sustainable Community Strategies' or hardscape for your financial collapse and future poverty?

What's the other story? You have to sit down for it. It's a reprint from the New York Times. ...

San Bernardino, the very same town that bankrupted itself with redevelopment debt, is talking about using the power of eminent domain to condemn underwater mortgages....What does this mean? That if you are a property owner and your house is worth less than your mortgage amount (fifty percent of the houses in San Bernardino), the city (where the hell are they getting the money for this???) is going to condemn using the power of eminent domain (where is the public use???) and take the mortgage away from your mortgage holder: the private lender. This COMMUNITARIAN SCHEME is for the common good. The property owner isn't even in default--this is so insane. Then the city owns your mortgage and they supposedly offer to lower your payments and your loan amount. Oh happy day, right? Wrong.

This is a violation of the use of eminent domain. The mortgage holder could be the little old lady next door who is now ripped off by the government. Yes, it's only for private lenders not the big banks--because the city knows that the big banks will sue the heck out of them for this scheme. The property owner is now dealing with the government--the new owner of the mortgage--and now presumably the government has full access to all of his financial information. What if you miss a payment? Does the city take your property? And what is this but a huge expansion of government yet again? Obviously the government can't even keep the streetlights on but now they're going into the mortgage lending business?? No. It will be a public private partnership. With a guy named Steven Gluckstern providing the money for this outrageous Machiavellian manipulation of our constitutional protections. Who is he? Take a look.

Yesterday our local paper had a story about 100 year old historic bridges in Yosemite that are probably going to be demolished because they 'interfere with the flow of the river.' Will the road just end so that you can't cross the river? This is the Wildlands Project.
And another story, on the same page, was about the Drakes Bay Oyster Company--about to be kicked out of their 70 year old location on Tomales Bay in California because the National Park Service wants to declare the whole area 'designated wilderness.' Yeah, Wilderness, untrammeled by man. It's trammeled, all right. Trammeled for 100 years but the National Park Service, that corrupt agency, wants to declare it 'designated wilderness' so that they can keep humans out. Wildlands Project.

This is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.



9/21/11, "FBI raids San Bernardino airport agency as part of investigation." LA Times


Ed. note: As the post above indicates, even Democrats can be against UN Agenda 21. If you say the words Agenda 21 you're usually laughed at and ridiculed.

Ridcule silences people. Alinsky identified ridicule as "man's most potent weapon."

"In war the end justifies almost any means....You do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral garments....Goals must be phrased in general terms like "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," "Of the Common Welfare," "Pursuit of Happiness," or "Bread and Peace.""...


Also from DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda 21:

ICLEI, the local arm of Agenda 21, was in Rio: (scroll down)

"Low Carbon City"

"Low-carbon, low-emission or even carbon-neutral cities, are
the signposts to sustainability. Cities account for 70-80% of global carbon
dioxide emissions. Therefore, an effective international climate agreement must
include a focus on urban greenhouse gas reduction. Cities and local governments,
however, must not wait for an international agreement
to be reached but should act ambitiously and rapidly."


From ICLEI Annual Report, page 26, it partners with Center for American Progress:


The Gold Standard for Green Cities
The STAR Community Index is a new tool designed to help local
governments plan, track and measure their sustainability programs.
Inspired by the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED® Green
Building Rating System™, STAR will include tiered levels with classification
based on actions achieved consistent with a given level.
Announced at the USGBC’s Greenbuild conference in November
2007 and slated for launch in 2008, STAR is being developed by ICLEI
— Local Governments for Sustainability in partnership with USGBC

and the Center for American Progress (CAP).

If you are interested in learning more, please email"


Ed. note: Center for American Progress is a huge, far left political group, as most are aware.


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