Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today's media are the worst plague in history, they spread falsehoods and back a corrupt, unaccountable ruling class-Lewis

6/11/12, "The Most Pathogenic Media in History," James Lewis, American Thinker

"Today's Western media have never stopped working to destroy the very societies they claim to serve. We have the most pathogenic media in history -- they create social divisions, ethnic hostilities, massive deliberate misunderstandings of the real causes of economic despair, and political "solutions" from the very people who created those problems in the first place. Our media are the worst plague virus in history because they spread falsehoods and block the truth. No society can solve problems if the media lie as a daily habit. Perverse and dysfunctional media can destroy working societies -- Joseph Goebbels' handiwork being a prime example.

Today's euro crisis in Greece and the other dysfunctional Eurocolonies is a direct and predictable result of what Tony Blair called "Third Way Socialism" -- which turns out to be crony capitalism wearing a Groucho mustache. Tony Blair himself is now one of the chief Cronies. Blairite Socialism rejected Soviet Marxism and American capitalism equally; but capitalism is productive and Soviet socialism never was, so Third Way Socialism turns out to be parasitical on free market inventiveness and hard work. When all is said and done, Blairism becomes a kind of Brezhnev style of a corrupt, unaccountable ruling class. That's why George Soros and his ilk love crony capitalism; it puts them in the driver's seat.

Eurosocialism today copies Barney Frank's compulsory sale of empty mortgages to American banks, under threat of direct action by ACORN and other gangsters, backed by media blackmail and an endless supply of inflated money from the Fed. Empty mortgages are toxic because they are lies, and everybody knows it... After a completely predictable market crash, the socialist media start blaming capitalism again, millions of suckers believe it again, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd pass another law forcing the banks to do the same thing again. It's systematic piracy, and you -- yes, you, reading these words -- are left holding the bag. ...

We are therefore seeing the second Cold War, the second war of Marxist conquest, but now by "peaceful means" of mass indoctrination, penetration of the Organs of Propaganda (including the schools), ideological subversion, and most of all the destruction of the moral foundations of the West. Today's radical left applauds radical Muslims riding that scruffy old camel straight from 7th-century Arabia. But it's really the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1938 giving the world an encore performance. "Les extrèmes se touchent," as the French said in 1938, and it still works, because Islam and the left have a common enemy.

That would be you and me.

It is the real West -- the West that invented the computer, biotechnology, and the United States Constitution, along with free porn on the web -- that is their common enemy. Simply by being ourselves we keep Ahmadinejad in a passionate embrace with Barack Hussein Obama, who is the spiritual son of Malcolm X and Saul Alinsky.

The Tea Party is middle-class America. The Occupy mobs are the black-clad anarchists of the European left, going back to 1848. The Tea Party is American. The Occupishers are Eurosocialist parasites. That "99% slogan" is just Hitler's slogan of "100%" -- Ein Volk, Ein Fuehrer, Ein Deutschland. Ninety-nine percent is another synonym for everything -- totalitarianism....

The second Cold War is here on your computer today, not as as some backdoor Chinese virus, but as wall-to-wall agitprop by the liberal media. As CBS's Les Moonves confessed the other day, "ultimately journalism has changed ... partisanship is very much a part of journalism now."

Yes, we get that, Les. You and your Big Corp are professional liars and truth twisters, and you get paid gazillions by the huddled masses who are no longer yearning to breathe free. Moonves runs the CBS operation, including the "News" Division, more properly called the CBS Agitprop Division for the Propagation of Liberalism.

Truth in labeling would kill CBS News.

Our ancestors came to these shores to be free from oppression, and all their great-grandchildren got was CBS, NBC, and brains embalmed in high-fructose corn syrup.

The media are the nervous system of our society. They are the means of communication and control, including control of your mind and those of your children. And just as the brain can get sick, so the media can, too. It's not hard to spot. We all feel it in our guts whenever we hear our country slammed again by that 24/7 android monster in a compulsive, obsessive, unstoppable way. Just ask your neighbors to name three good things about this country, and watch them flounder. ...Pathogenic, self-destructive beliefs have taken over their souls....

The liberal media never stop repeating false and self-destructive slogans about this country. That's why your children's heads are filled with endless tape loops of national self-loathing. Just ask 'em.

Until the bubble pops. Empty mortgages popped four years ago. The phony Eurozone is quietly collapsing today. Those moments of truth are constantly covered up by a screaming liberal media. ...

I don't know how and when the liberal media will collapse, though the drooping balance sheets of TIME, Newsweek, and the New York Times suggest that the end is near. Power classes take a lot of time to die, even after they become public jokes. The talking heads of today's pop culture lost any rationale for existing a long time ago. They are now repackaging their empty souls, and tossing that smoking potato from CNN to CNBC to Facebook and Twitter. They have been tried and found wanting, and the handwriting is on the wall.

It's just a matter of when."...


Ed. note: That's why Breitbart was so important. He identified the media as the single biggest problem in this country.


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