No "Gabby opened her eyes," no call for civility. The Murfreesboro Post isn't sent to the 'civility center' opened after Obama's Tucson speech to deal with 'political debate' though Rep. Giffords' shooting was caused by a mentally ill nihilist who stalked her since 2007. If the Silent Majority speaks above a whisper, Obama will be back on tv.
6/21/12, "Zelenik Takes Aim at Diane Black — Literally, Thanks to Murfreesboro Post," Nashville Scene, Steve Cavendish
Only passing reference to the 2011 Gabby Giffords shooting is made in this article about the photo-shopped cover. The article opts to focus on the Republican aspect--who could pass this up, both sides in the faked "shooting" were Republicans, one seen as rank and file and establishment leaning and other Tea Party:
"But she's (Zelenik) probably not ready to take a shot at Black just yet."...('just yet' emphasis by ed.)
The journalism site Poynter.org covered the story and unsurprisingly never mentioned the Giffords shooting and its use by media to spread hate and lies.
6/22/12, "Newspaper Photoshops picture of candidate using opponent’s face for target practice," Poynter.org, Andrew Beaujon
More on the 2 pictured in the fake 'shooting':
The Tennessee establishment Republican went to court to destroy the Tea Party candidate Lou Ann Zelenik but the judge dismissed the case as 'frivolous:'
6/17/12, "Charges of ethics violations ‘substantially true’," Murfreesboro Post, J. Fagan
"David Black, husband of [Establishment Republican] Diane Black (R-Gallatin), and his drug testing firm, Aegis Sciences Corporation, filed suit in the midst of a hotly contested U.S. House primary campaign against Lou Ann Zelenik in 2010 after her campaign began airing ads that accused Black of steering millions of dollars in no-bid state contracts to her husband’s firm through her position as a state senator, in violation of state law.
“The communication was true or at least substantially true,” reads the April ruling by Binkley, who sided with Zelenik and summarily dismissed Black’s lawsuit as frivolous."...
2/13/12, "Rep. Scott DesJarlais bucks GOP leadership and wins state backers," Tennessean
2/21/11, "Arizona university opens civility center after shooting," CNN, Rick Martin
1/9/11, "[Giffords] Shooting suspect’s nihilism rose with isolation," Chicago Sun-Times
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