Friday, June 29, 2012

Lawyer who argued for 26 states against ObamaCare Medicaid now says most states will do it because it's so much money just sitting there

6/28/12, "High Court Health Care Ruling Shifts Action To States," NPR, Julie Rovner

"But even Paul Clement, who argued the case on behalf of the 26 states who fought the Medicaid expansion, says he thinks most states will end up going along with the Medicaid expansion.

"Since there's all that new money sitting there and it's all going to be paid for by federal tax dollars whether or not they accept it, it's going to be very hard for states to refuse the funds," he told NPR's Nina Totenberg in an interview.

At least the Supreme Court says states will legally now have that option."


Only a few months ago Paul Clement was bothered by the fact that these gobs of money were stolen from ordinary Americans against their will:

3/28/12, "ObamaCare gets the John Gotti Defense," Tea Party Tribune, by mrcurmudgeon

"U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan characterized ObamaCare as the federal government’s way of saying, We’re giving you [the states] a boat-load of money, there are no matching funds requirement, there are no extraneous conditions attached to it, it’s just a boat-load of federal money for you to take and spend on poor people’s health care. It doesn’t sound coercive to me,” insisted Kagan to [former] Solicitor General Paul Clement, who spoke for the 26 states challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare on Wednesday.

Let me give you a hypothetical, Mr. Clement,” added Justice Sonia Sotomayor, “Now, suppose I’m an employer and I see somebody I really like and I want to hire that person and I say, ‘I’m going to give you 10 million dollars a year to come work for me,’ and the person says, ‘Well, I … you know … I’ve never been offered anywhere approaching 10 million dollars a year …’ of course I’m going to say yes to that.

  • Now, we would both agree that that’s not coercive, right?”

“Well,” responded Clement, “I guess I would want to know where the money came from.” With that, the courtroom gasped and then erupted with laughter.

Wow, wow!” said a surprised Sotomayor, “I’m offering you 10 million dollars a year to come work for me and you’re saying that this is anything but a great choice?”

Sotomayor’s analogy was faulty, Clement explained, because the money in question “actually … came from my own bank account. And that’s what’s really going on here …”

What Kagan referred to as a free “boat-load of money” and Sotomayor called “a great choice” results from what the fictional mob character Vito Corleone called

  • an “offer you can’t refuse.”...

To wonder from where and from whom that cash came was, well, as funny a question to Gotti’s neighbor as were councilor Clement’s moral qualms concerning ObamaCare’s extortion to Justice Kagan, Justice Sotomayor and the packed courtroom gallery of media and Washington movers and shakers.

Because power corrupts,” observed John Adams, “society’s demands for moral authority and character

  • Not in John Gotti’s America."


Ed. note: Even before this horror politicians had sold us out for years, broke California, broke the entire middle class. Politicians just wanted us to shut the hell up and leave them alone. So they broke our back. Their idea was to make a teeming slum of the entire country. So they brought in millions of criminals and poor people from violent cultures like Mexico who had no skills, couldn't speak English, didn't want to learn, many effectively feral, and they forced modest, middle class American earners barely making it themselves to pay for all the new people and eventually to live side by side with them in squalor, with cockroaches, fleas, mice, rats, filth, and screaming. I've seen it. The left calls this utopia, a classless society.


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