Thursday, June 14, 2012

Daily Show Jon Stewart thinks Florida voter rolls a laugh riot but would he laugh if all the 1000+ double voters were Republican?

Daily Show thinks Fla. voter rolls and people who died to protect them are a joke. 1000+ people voted twice in Florida in 2000. How funny would it be to Jon Stewart if all the double voters were Republican? Ridicule by a Comedy Show cited as reason to enact certain global warming legislation in NC.

6/13/12, "The morning after getting mocked on Daily Show, Gov. Scott all smiles," Tampa Bay Times (formerly St. Petersburg Times), The Buzz

"Gov. Rick Scott said it was out of necessity that he developed a thick skin since running for office for the first time in 2010.

"The newspapers don't always agree with everything you do," Scott told about 270 attendees of a conference for the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants at the Tampa Convention Center this morning.

But it wasn't a newspaper that compared the governor to Peter Garrett, the former lead singer to the Austrailian rock band Midnight Oil. Or noted his likeness to Carel Struycken, the actor who played the mysterious giant in David Lynch's Twin Peaks.

That would have been Jon Stewart on the Daily Show in a piece that aired Tuesday night lampooning Scott's efforts to purge the voter rolls of non-citizens. It was the same show that challenged Scott to give a urine sample after Scott announced he wanted welfare recipients to take a drug test.

After his speech, Scott said he didn't watch the show.

"Somebody said there was something about me on there," he said.

He then joked that the show "completely supported my position that non-U.S. citizens shouldn't vote in our races."

Not exactly. But Scott did enough of that during his talk Wednesday to the CPAs. Two days after Assistant U.S. Attorney General Thomas E. Perez said the Department of Justice will sue Florida over its noncitizen voter purge, Scott said the legal costs will be justified.

"People have died for the right to vote," Scott said. "We have fought wars for the right to vote. It's very important that your vote doesn't get diluted...I have to defend the rights of voters. I have no choice.""


10/28/2004, "People Who Vote Twice," Slate, Bill Gifford, 'A sudden crack-down on an old gimmick'

In mid 2004 newspapers found at least 1000 people voted twice in the 2000 national election, once in Florida and once in another state. 100,000+ were registered to do so. The reports only looked at 3 states v Fla. so there were likely many more.


A North Carolina democrat thought ridicule by a comedy show proved a law was bad:

""This bill has made us the laughingstock of the country," said Senate Minority Leader Martin Nesbitt, D-Buncombe. "We've been on Stephen Colbert's comedy show.""

6/13/12, "North Carolina Senate Passes Anti-Nutcase Bill – AP Immediately Lies About It," Steven Goddard

6/12/12, "N.C. Senate approves sea level calculation bill," AP. Allen Reed


Ed. note: Fear of ridicule on left wing comedy shows shouldn't influence government but Alinsky identified ridicule as "man's most potent weapon."


11/1/2010, "EDITORIAL: Keeping fear of the left alive," Washington Times

"The pep rally led by left-wing cheerleaders Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert proved once again that liberals don’t understand that the American majority has rejected the big-government philosophy.

Disguised as just good fun amid the backdrop of the nation’s capital, the real purpose of the Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive as to heap ridicule upon the millions of concerned Americans rising up to oppose the out-of-control liberalism of President Obama and his Democratic fellow travelers in Congress.

Saul Alinsky, the radical agitator and community organizer who inspired Mr. Obama’s career, wrote, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” When the votes are counted tonight, Alinsky - wherever he is - will be disappointed. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert - Comedy Central’s faux news anchors - exposed what’s already obvious: The contrarian left wing in American politics is always eager to mock the center-right stance of the majority, but that’s hardly a formula for electoral success."...


"What every public official should know about Saul Alinsky's: Rules For Radicals"


Jon Stewart must think it's hilarious how children are brutalized by Islam:

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are thanked by Muslim group CAIR for advancing Islam in society. p. 6, Executive Summary, "Islamophobia and its impact in the United States," CAIR, 2009-2010

Page 13:

page 14:

(Ed. note: The comedy shows ridicule those who fear political Islam and sharia law).


6/27/11, "Eight Year Old Girl Used As 'Suicide' Bomber," American Thinker, Ann Kane


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