Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Crime up in all 5 NY City boroughs for first time in 20 yrs.

6/20/12, "It’s criminal! Apple crime up 4 percent," NY Post

"Crime is rising at an alarming pace across the city — with increases in every borough for the first time in nearly 20 years, The Post has learned.

Major felonies are up 4.2 percent citywide, fueled by a frightening uptick in shootings, sex crimes and street robberies, according to NYPD statistics for the year to date compared with the same period in 2011.

The only silver lining is a decrease in murders, which were down 15.6 oercent, from 212 to 179.

The NYPD divides the city into eight “patrol boroughs” — and crime has gone up in each one for the first time since at least 1994, sources said.

Four main factors contributed to the spike, the sources said:

The recent slowdown of “stop and frisks,” which critics charged unfairly targeted minorities.

■ Pressure from NYPD brass to stop downgrading reported crimes.

■ As crooks hunt for iPhones and iPads, they also swipe wallets containing credit cards, which has contributed to a rise in grand larcenies.

■ Fewer cops on the street.

Cops now are taking reports where they didn’t in the past,” said one law-enforcement source.

NYPD bosses now audit 911 calls on the precinct level, the source said, and second-guess and discipline cops who do not report a crime accurately.

“People complained cops don’t take reports. Cops don’t want to get in trouble, so they take a report on everything now,” the law-enforcement source said.

In May, six cops from the 101st Precinct were disciplined for downgrading burglaries to criminal mischief or missing property.

Cops there subsequently reported everything accurately, and the numbers soared, sources said.

The numbers have also been driven by increasing thefts of pricey gadgets, which push up the grand-larceny numbers."...via Lucianne


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