Thursday, June 28, 2012

Communist China fakes out Obama and EU green hypocrites for demanding China mine dirty rare earth minerals so Eur. & O can have 'green' profits and PR

"Instead of buying from China, Obama should propose tapping the US' own (rare earths) deposits.
" China Daily, 3/5/12

6/27/12, "EU asks WTO to arbitrate in China 'rare earths' row," BBC

"The European Union has asked the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to arbitrate in a row about China's export restrictions on "rare earth" minerals.

Talks between China and the EU, along with the US and Japan, failed to resolve the dispute in April.

China, which produces 97% of the world's rare earths, could now face litigation from the WTO.

Minerals such as lutetium and scandium are important in the manufacture of products such as mobile phones.

"China's restrictions on rare earths and other products are a violation of China's WTO commitments and continue to significantly distort global markets, creating a disadvantage for our companies," said EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht.

"We regret that we are left with no other choice but to solve this through litigation."

In addition to rare earths, the complaint covers tungsten and molybendum.

The EU, US and Japan complained to the WTO in earlier in the year, saying that China's increased export duties and reduced export quotas were unfairly benefiting its own companies.

Beijing says that its restrictions are needed to protect the environment, conserve supplies and meet domestic demand.

The first stage in the dispute process was to hold formal talks at the WTO in Geneva.

Since those failed, the next stage will be for the WTO to set up a dispute settlement panel."


Rare earths are essential to the manufacture of electric car batteries, wind turbine generators, and advanced solar panels. The US has opted not to mine its own supply of rare earths, instead demanding Communist China inflict environmental damage on itself for the privilege of selling rare earths to the US:

3/15/12, "Rare earth case reveals US hypocrisy," China Daily, Chen Weihua, by Deputy Editor of China Daily

"US President Barack Obama announced...that the United States, joined by Japan and the European Union, has filed complaints with the World Trade Organization over China's rare earth export quotas.

He said this as an effort to give "American workers and American businesses a fair shot in the global economy".

His words, however, imply that he does not really care about the environmental degradation caused by China's disorderly and excessive mining of rare earth materials, as long as US workers and businesses can profit from China's cheap supply.

This is shocking for a president who likes to portray himself as pro-environment when he fights Republican presidential candidates over clean energy issues, or when he tried to restore the US' leadership role at the UN Climate Change Conference, in Copenhagen, in December 2009.

According to the US Geological Survey, there are about 13 million metric tons of rare earth deposits in the US. Instead of buying from China, Obama should propose tapping the US' own deposits. Such a move would not only enable the US to share the responsibility for the supply of rare earth materials, it would also create jobs for Americans, the single most powerful weapon Obama needs to beat a Republican....

Countries such as the US, Canada and Australia, which used to produce rare earth minerals, stopped such manufacturing a decade ago due to the environmental concerns and the higher cost compared with Chinese exports....

China's new regulations on rare earth manufacturing and exports, which were introduced a few years ago, are based on the sound rationale of sustainable growth and environmental protection."...


"The (Chinese) government is also planning to launch a rare-earth trading platform intended as a market-oriented pricing mechanism."

6/20/12, "China to Tighten Rare-Earth Mining Rules," Dow Jones Newswires, Beijing

"China will more tightly control the mining, sorting and smelting of rare earth minerals and phase out outdated capacity while promoting industry consolidation, the government said Wednesday.

In a white paper released by the State Council, China's cabinet, the government said it will introduce stricter standards for rare-earth mining and improve the relevant legal framework to crack down on violators.

The move could further flare up tensions with key consumers who have accused the Chinese government of interfering in the market to push up prices by artificially limiting supply."...


4/8/12, "Global race for 'rare earths'," Korea Times

chart from Korea Times, 4/8/12 (scroll down)

"Rare earths will do for China what oil did for Saudi Arabia, Deng Xiaoping once said in 1992 implying the state’s determination to invest in the sector. "


"Rare Earth Metals," UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability

US environmental rules and wages make it too expensive to extract rare earths here. We opted out of the "race" for green jobs. Most rare earths come from Communist China now. Rare earth smelting plant in Communist China (below, reuters, 11/21/10)

12/29/10, "China will cut rare earths export quotas," BBC




Study by Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership funded by UK gov. and car industry. 'Rare earths' minerals needed to make electric car batteries are so polluting to extract that none are mined in the US. Most come from Communist China. Obama's electric car business pivots on a Communist Chinese product whose manufacture renders electric car CO2 emissions as high or higher than petrol equivalents:

6/10/11, "Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study," The Australian, Ben Webster

"ELECTRIC cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found. An electric car owner would have to drive at least 129,000km before producing a net saving in CO2. Many electric cars will not travel that far in their lifetime."...


10/27/10, This cutback in rare earths from Communist China has been feared by the US and EU.

  • The US opted out of 'rare earths' mining because our environmental and wage laws made it too expensive. Since it is needed to make wind turbines and other 'green' items, it follows the US is NOT in a 'race' for green jobs, as it claims.
Inside China's secret toxic unobtainium mine," DailyMailOnline, Jan. 10, 2010


12/22/10, "US wants trade talks on China wind power 'subsidies,'" BBC

"The announcement follows a filing in September by the United Steelworkers Union (USW) which listed a number of industries it accused China of subsidising or otherwise distorting trade from non-nationals.

The trade representative announced no decision on that, but spokeswoman Nefeterius McPherson said the United States was

and could still file a case on that at the WTO."...


12/23/10, "Obama's China wind power complaint backed by companies," Bloomberg News

The U.S. trade office said that China’s Special Fund for Wind Power Manufacturing violates WTO rules by

  • requiring recipients of aid to use Chinese-made parts and amounts to a subsidy, both of which violate WTO rules.

Aid under the program since 2008 could total several hundred million dollars, the U.S. said....

The WTO case filed yesterday was one slice of a complaint filed with the U.S. trade office on Sept. 9 by the United Steelworkers union. The union said

  • export credits,
  • preferences in bidding,
  • forced transfers of technology and
  • discrimination against firms outside the country
give Chinese producers of renewable-energy products an unfair advantage."...


(Above mined substance needed to make 'energy efficient' lights in 'green' US. HaHaHaHa. ed.)



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