Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bank of America to transfer its whole US taxpayer bailout to global warming profiteers

6/12/12, "Bank of America will waste its whole bailout on AGW hysteria," The Reference Frame, L. Motl

"During the financial crisis, Bank of America – where I still maintain a checking account with a minimum allowed balance –
  • received a $45 billion bailout.
You could think that this kind of money is being used to bolster the bank's finances and make their business safer so that the taxpayer won't have to save the bank again. You would be wrong. A few years ago, $45 billion could have been a vital amount of money to save the bank's life. Now, $50 billion is just a piece of trash that may be thrown to a random dumping ground without any hesitation:
Bank of America Pledges $50 Billion to Combat Climate Change
The new article above, posted in a domain with a rather characteristic name, capital.gr, describes the Greek way in which the bank is dealing with its capital. They proudly announce that they have already wasted $20 billion on the climate change hysteria. It wasn't enough for the irresponsible and breathtakingly arrogant imbeciles that must obviously control the bank so they will increase the amount to $50 billion to cover the energy efficiency hysteria and to help schoolkids in San Jose to install solar panels – no kidding."...

via Climate Depot

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