Monday, May 14, 2012

Romney said he'd veto national health plan but now is working secretly with House GOP on exactly that, another national health scam

The GOP wants ObamaCare or the like because they get money from it. They couldn't care less what it does to the American middle class, in fact the faster the middle class disappears the happier they'll be.

5/13/12, "House GOP works with Romney on health care," Washington Times

"House Republican leaders are quietly working with Mitt Romney’s campaign to fashion a unified GOP health care platform to replace President Obama’s health law, according to lawmakers involved in the effort.

Hill Republicans said coordinating with Mr. Romney, who is the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, boosts the chances that the two sides can avoid clashing over one of the big issues of the fall campaign but it ups the chances that the House GOP will miss its self-imposed June deadline for rolling out its alternative to Mr. Obama’s blueprint....

Mr. Pitts had said late last year that Republicans hoped to have something ready to go in June, when the Supreme Court is expected to rule. But on Thursday, he said it’s unlikely they’ll have anything ready until the fall and even then, it may only be a collection of individual reforms instead of one big bill.

We’re not going to come up with one single bill. There will be a whole host of health care reform items,” he said, adding they could include ideas Republicans have aired in the past, such as allowing interstate insurance sales, reforming medical malpractice, setting up insurance “pools” and extending the same insurance tax credits to individuals that employers now enjoy.

Mr. Gingrey said that type of approach would save Republicans from the same criticism they levied at Democrats, who passed the Affordable Care Act in a matter of days in 2010, leaving Republicans complaining that they hadn’t been given enough time to read the bill." via Lucianne


One rote sentence is hardly fooling anyone except Romney himself.

3/19/12, "Romney's just going through the motions," The Iowa Republican

"Besides the handful of very broad issues and some patriotic words about America and its founding, Romney offered only one sentence on the issues of healthcare. Romney said, “President Obama believes that bureaucrats in Washington should make your health care decision, I’ll repeal Obamacare on my first day in office.”...

The reason why so many people still question Romney’s positions on a number of issues is not just his history of flip-flopping, it’s because he doesn’t provide enough supporting evidence to convince people of his position....

Instead of simply going through the motions, Romney would be wise to tailor a message that not only appeals to the base of the Republican Party, but will also better prepare him for a general election campaign should he win the nomination."...


ObamaCare needed to be defunded immediately and could have been, independent of the Senate. But House GOP never intended to use the power we gave them in Nov. 2010, and the matter isn't even close to being 'marked up.' In other words, drop dead. The House GOP's minority status prior to Nov. 2010 was well deserved. They love ObamaCare, despise the American middle class, and are happier being the minority.

9/29/11, "Draft spending bill would defund Obama healthcare law," The Hill, Sam Baker

"House Republicans released a draft spending bill Thursday that would cut off funding for many parts of the healthcare reform law, though the bill remains deadlocked in the Appropriations Committee."...


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