Sunday, May 27, 2012

Logical end to the successful gay marriage campaign is disappearance of the traditional family which is already happening

2/18/12, "NYT reports that majority of births to single mothers under the age of 30," Times-Union, Michael Conners, "Motherhood without marriage has settled deeply into middle America."

5/27/12, "Gay Marriage: The Hidden Agenda," American Thinker, Victor Volsky

"It is the iron law of "progressive" movements that having achieved their goals, they refuse to fade away. Rather than disbanding upon completion of their mission, these movements, now fully institutionalized, keep chugging along, and the farther they go, the more they resemble their sworn enemies, the rationale for their existence.

The labor movement that arose as a desperate defense against unbridled exploitation has degenerated into a stultifying, mafia-style monopoly whose grip on any business dooms that business to slow strangulation. The civil rights movement emerged to fight discrimination. But as its baton passed from Martin Luther King, Jr. to the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the movement's main motto transmogrified from equality -- i.e., abolition of white privilege -- into affirmative action -- i.e., establishment of black privilege. And equality has come to be denigrated by the new self-appointed civil rights elite as a particularly insidious form of racial discrimination. Feminism born of a legitimate earning for equal rights and dignity has turned into a female supremacy movement implacably hostile to the "patriarchy" -- i.e., the traditional social structure.

The gay rights movement, too, has been transforming itself before our very eyes. Once a movement fighting against persecution and discrimination, which is the reason why its initial demands enjoyed wide public support, it has gone from one triumph to another and won the war. Today, the issue is moot. But the gay movement has not declared victory and gone home. Central to achieving their goal is bending society to their will and forcing it to acquiesce to their agenda.

That's where same-sex marriage comes in. It's no mystery why it commands considerable support. After all, what can be more "American" than the idea of granting equality to a formerly persecuted group that has done nothing untoward other than being different in its sexual proclivities? Sort of like being discriminated because of the color of one's skin (even though many black leaders, jealously guarding their highly lucrative victimhood, take strong exception to equating gay liberation with the civil rights struggle). So recognition of gay unions as legitimate marriages seems to be an eminently innocuous idea. But appearances can be deceptive. Few things are more destructive than gay marriage, a poison pill devised to corrode the very core of a healthy society -- the institution of marriage....

Don't believe revolutionaries when they hold forth about their intention of building paradise on earth. Actually, they would be unable to build anything even if they wanted to. Their talk about the bright future is mere lip service, because in reality, any revolution is exclusively about destruction, with very little thought given to what will happen afterward ("we'll cross that bridge when we come to it"). But how do you go about destroying society? Where do you direct the blow so it will do the most damage? In his Theses on Feuerbach, Karl Marx provided the answer: destroy the traditional family.

True to the teachings of their prophet, socialist revolutionaries have placed the destruction of matrimony high on their list of priorities. Social upheavals have always opened the floodgates of debauchery and pornography. The socialist revolution brings about a breakdown of social conventions, with "sexual liberation" regarded as part of the overall drive for freedom. But while the rabble yearns to throw off the yoke of moral strictures to give vent to its animal passions, the revolutionary leaders see moral decay as a means of undermining the bulwark of the social structure -- the family....

Marx's loyal cohort Friedrich Engels, in his influential work, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the States, disclosed the game plan in a single, succinct proposition: change the concept of matrimony, and the traditional family will cease to exist. And once the family is gone, society will fall apart. Knock out the cornerstone, and the whole edifice will crumble, which is

  • precisely the ultimate goal of the revolutionary movement."

via Lucianne


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