Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jim Hansen's 1989 appearance before congress triggered billions in worldwide spending on man-caused climate change research

With help from George Bush Sr. who made fighting 'the greenhouse effect' a central plank of his presidential campaign. Hansen's worst predictions haven't been realized but he continues to be showered with money and attention.

2/10/2008, "Climate scientist they could not silence," TimesOnlineUK, Jonathan Leake (subscrip.)

"The recent warm winters that Britain has experienced are a clear sign that the climate is changing, he (Hansen) says. And that "...the global rises in temperature could be approaching the point of becoming irreversible. "...

"What marks Hansen out is his success in getting such ideas heard.

“I had written a paper for Science [the renowned academic journal] making predictions about climate change, but I thought it might get ignored.

  • So I sent it to a reporter at The New York Times –

In 1989, "Called before a congressional committee hearing looking at climate change, he (Hansen) sent an advance fax

  • to Al Gore, its chairman,

suggesting some of the questions that he would like to answer....

This time the resulting storm was so great it saw climate change catapulted into the political arena as never before.

  • George Bush Sr (the father of George W Bush), who was then running for president,
Billions of pounds were allocated for research worldwide."...


4/17/12, "Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA," Steven Goddard, Real Science

"For the past 30 years, NASA climate scientists under the leadership of Dr. Hansen have demonstrated nearly complete incompetence in forecasting, and they have tampered with data to try to hide their mispredictions....

Dr. James Hansen of NASA, has been the world’s leading promoter of the idea that the world is headed towards “climate disaster.” There is little evidence to back this up. "...


March 15, 2011, "The Most Misunderstood (And Censored) Man In The World," Steven Goddard, Real Science


5/15/12, "Empirical Data Vs. Predictions," C3 Headlines

"Much research and many peer reviewed studies are represented in the headlines below. In almost every case, it has been found that "expert" and/or computer model predictions are contradicted by the actual empirical evidence. (last updated 5/14/2012)....

Climate Model Failure By NASA - Huge Global Warming Prediction Errors Confirmed...

"Notorious" Bias Affects IPCC Climate Models - Unable To Successfully Predict Abrupt Climate Changes....

Researchers Determine Climate Model Prediction Wrong: Human CO2 Does Not Enhance El NiƱos...

Last Week Had The Global Warming Alarmists Admit To Zero Warming Since 1998, Now An Admission That Models Don't Work

NOAA Temperature Data Rebuts IPCC's Climate Model Predictions of Global Warming

Since 1990, IPCC's Climate Predictions Have Been Wrong - Billions Wasted On Worthless Fortunetelling

A Spectacular Failure: Latest HadCrut & NASA Temperatures Significantly Below IPCC Climate Model Predictions

Hansen's Global Climate Model In Total Fail: Predicted Ocean Heat Goes Missing

Southern Africa: Prediction That Global Warming Would Cause Less Rainfall Is Proven Empirically Wrong...

The NASA Climate Model Developed By Hansen Continues To Wildly Overestimate Global Warming...

Why Is It Global Warming Catastrophic Predictions Get Scarier When There's No More Global Warming?"...


March 2011, "Was there a basis for anticipating the 2010 Russian heat wave?" AGU, Geophysical Research Letters.

The 2010 Russian heatwave was not man-caused, rather it was due to natural events.


5/10/12, "Global Warming: An Exclusive Look at James Hansen’s Scary New Math," Time Magazine, Paul Tullis

"How can NASA physicist and climatologist James E. Hansen, writing in the New York Times today, “say with high confidence” that recent heat waves in

  • Texas and
  • Russia
“were not natural events” but actually “caused by human-induced climate change”?"...


Timeline: The Science and Politics of Global Warming by a.c. thompson


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