Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emerging ObamaCare death panel guideline: If test only saves 1 in 1000, scrap the test, eg Men's PSA prostate cancer test

5/21/12, "Task force: PSA tests do more harm than good," CNN, The Chart blog

"The United States Preventive Services Task Force issued their final recommendation on the PSA prostate cancer-screening test Monday, recommending against routine PSA exams for men of any age. The task force says the PSA exam and additional treatments that may follow, like radiation and surgery, result in far more harm than benefit.

Dr. Virginia Moyer, who sits on the task force, cited that only one out of every 1,000 men who are screened would actually benefit from the exam. Instead, most will have to deal with side effects from treatment that can range from incontinence and impotence, to stroke and death....

However, the American Urological Association is not changing its stance on the PSA test. “We at the AUA still recommend the PSA, with its imperfections," said Dr. Chris Amling. "It’s the wrong thing to deny a man if he wants to have this test."

There is no other screening test for prostate cancer. It’s clear that the only way to cure prostate is to detect it early," Amling emphasized."...


The first sentence on "The United States Preventive Services Task Force" website says, "The USPSTF is an independent panel of non-Federal experts..."...Yet a few sentences later it says an agency of the federal government (AHRQ, part of US HSS) is involved in all aspects of the group:

"AHRQ's Prevention and Care Management Portfolio provides ongoing administrative, research, technical, and dissemination support to the USPSTF."

Further from the USPSTF website, it's concerned with a variety is issues, "not simply the identification of disease:"

"Methods and Processes

...The USPSTF focuses on maintenance of health and quality of life as the major benefits of clinical preventive services, and not simply the identification of disease." ...


Also, it has recommendations applicable to ObamaCare ('The Affordable Care Act"):


...USPSTF recommendations have formed the basis of the clinical standards for many professional societies, health organizations, and medical quality review groups.

To learn more detailed information about USPSTF recommendations, grade definitions, and topics in progress or to see a list of A and B recommendations relevant for implementing the Affordable Care Act, [ObamaCare] visit http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/recommendations.htm."


One of AHRQ's divisions is the National Guidelines Clearinghouse, dispensing health related guidelines, also part of the federal government. Its website mentions an upcoming convention in Germany (bottom right of pg.)

"Conference News

The Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) Conference 2012, will be held August 22-25, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Registration External Web Site Policy is now open."


Ed. note: It's nice that employees of the massive "healthcare" bureaucracy are able to travel to Europe for fun conventions. via Instapundit


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