Friday, May 25, 2012

CBS News advocacy of catastrophic man-caused global warming will thrill the UK Monarchy

The financial survival of the UK Monarchy depends on the world believing in catastrophic man made global warming. Its new income arrangement includes millions in lease payments from offshore wind turbines. "'It is wholly inappropriate that the Palace should have such a direct interest in a subject like windfarms, given Prince Charles's obsession with renewable energy. It raises the question as to whether he is seeking to increase his own investment portfolio each time he makes a favourable reference to wind power.'"


5/24/12, "Nature Conservancy Scientist Named CBS News Contributor," Bud Ward,

"It’s the kind of partnership that likely would not have been considered by traditional broadcast news media standards, but in today’s evolving news media …

The arrangement has The Nature Conservancy’s lead scientist, M. Sanjayan, named CBS News Science and Environmental Contributor, with the assignment to “provide insight” on a range of environmental and scientific issues for various CBS News broadcasts. Along with his affiliation with The Nature Conservancy, Sanjayan who lives in western Montana, has a faculty research appointment with the University of Montana’s Wildlife Program in Missoula....

For some died-in-the-wool traditional journalism ethicists, the Sanjanan/CBS News relationship no doubt raises concerns along the church-and-state lines: the need to separate news from advocacy, notwithstanding Sanjayan’s pieces being labeled as commentaries.

But respected journalism scholar and author Philip Meyer, recently retired from the faculty of the University of North Carolina, says he sees things differently.

It looks like a good fit to me,” Meyer wrote in an e-mail when asked his view of the new collaboration. “Sure, he’s an advocate for protection of the environment, and there are political forces that would rather protect the private profits gained by disrupting the environment, e.g. fracking to get natural gas.

But the simplistic model of giving equal weight to all sides, no matter how ridiculous, has been obsolescent since the 1950s when [then U.S. Senator] Joe McCarthy used it to manipulate the press. Everybody’s an advocate for something, and that is best controlled by transparency.”

Meyer added that Sanjayan “is not a hired gun offering his skills to anybody who can pay for them. The Nature Conservancy is a highly visible, non-profit, public interest group that tries to slow mankind’s persistent destruction of our planet. By bringing its chief scientist aboard, CBS News also serves the public interest.”" via Climate Depot


6/23/2006, "(CBS News 60 Minutes Scott) Pelley's most recent report, like his first, did not pause to acknowledge global warming skeptics, instead treating the existence of global warming as an established fact. I again asked him why. "If I do an interview with Elie Wiesel," he asks, "am I required as a journalist to find a Holocaust denier?""


10/24/10, "Queen's £38m a year windfarm windfall," This is money,

"'It is wholly inappropriate that the Palace should have such a direct interest in a subject like windfarms, given Prince Charles's obsession with renewable energy. It raises the question as to whether he is seeking to increase his own investment portfolio each time he makes a favourable reference to wind power.'"

Prince Charles is patron of Royal Dutch Shell and intervenes in EU business on their behalf:

5/7/12, "Shell sets out ‘progressive’ European climate pitch," EurActiv


6/28/2007, "Digging up the roots of the (UN) IPCC," Tom Gilland, spiked-online


4/16/09, "Wall Street realized there was money to be made by going green." Robert Redford


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