Wednesday, April 18, 2012

US environmental alarmism at historic low, Gallup Poll, Mar. 8-11, 2012

4/13/12, "Worry About U.S. Water, Air Pollution at Historical Lows," Gallup Poll, J. M. Jones

Poll dates, March 8-11, 2012

"Percentage worried 'a great deal' about Environmental Problems, 2000 vs 2012, Gallup Polls"

"Worry about the seven issues is below the historical average for each. Most of the trends date back to 1989....

Percentage Worried "A Great Deal" About Environmental Problems, 2000 vs. 2012 Gallup Polls
"Across the seven items, the percentage worried a great deal is down an average

March 2012 views alone, levels of worry in 2012


Gallup has a separate poll published March 30, 2012, "Americans worries about global warming up slightly," but still way below 72% high of 2000. Gallup attributes politics and ideology to global warming views--but only for one side, the right.

If you're a global warming alarmist Gallup thinks you're just correct and by no means influenced by mass media such as the NY Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Miami Herald, Time, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, WCBS TV, CNBC, ABC Radio Network, NJ Star Ledger, Huffington Post, MLB, etc.

Conversely, Gallup sees those that doubt global warming alarmism doing so not for real reasons but as a robotic response to 'conservative commentators.' Gallup doesn't offer proof of this or give names of alleged commentators/outlets and the size of their followings. But if they exist at all, their audiences are at best microscopic compared to liberal media I listed above. Gallup and others may mistake Fox News for a 'conservative media outlet' and therefore anti-AGW but that's not the case. News Corp. (Fox News) sponsors a pro-global warming alarmism presentation by its ubiquitous employee Frank Luntz. Summation page, Jan. 2010. Luntz markets himself as a global warming believer who knows how to fool rube Republicans into believing in it.

Paragraph showing Gallup global warming bias:

From Gallup poll, 'Americans worries about global warming up slightly," "But remains much lower than the previous high of 72% in 2000," 3/30/12

"Implications" (last paragraph)

"Indeed, Republicans and conservatives remain the least likely to say they worry about global warming. This at least partly reflects the global warming skepticism expressed by conservative media news outlets and among conservative commentators. It is difficult to document whether this emphasis waned this past year as the economy and election issues moved more to the forefront."


1/21/2010, "Frank Luntz On How To Pass A Climate Bill," The New Republic, Jesse Zwick


1/21/10, "Pollster Frank Luntz releases new polling results: Bipartisan public support for National Climate Legislation" EDF Environmental Defense Fund press release


photo of Frank Luntz from The New Republic article holding "Words that Work"


2/3/2010, ""Global warming conversion,"The Daily Beast, Michael Smerconish,

"Smerconish: I feel that the bigger headline would be a headline that says Republican pollster Frank Luntz believes in man-made climate change and global warming, and is making the argument that even for those who don't, there's a case to be made that we've got to make changes. But it doesn't sound like that headline is yet to be written.

Luntz: You can write that headline. The only problem with that headline is that it emphasizes what I believe —

Smerconish: —Right, but you've got credentials on the right side of the aisle. I for one would pay attention to what you say.

Luntz: Well then write that headline. There you go."...

via Tom Nelson

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