Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So-called 'Ryan Budget' is a joke and publicity stunt

Why don't Paul Ryan and the rest (except Mick Mulvaney) just join the democrat party?

4/24/12, "Is the Ryan Budget a Joke?" Daniel Horowitz,

"Now it turns out that the entire budget was a joke. This, from Roll Call. So the entire Ryan budget resolution was a joke. Mitch McConnell lets the Senate Appropriations Committee vote to void the Ryan budget, while Hal Rogers works to “front-load the spending bills so that they won’t lose out on any big-government venture once everyone realizes that the game is over towards the end of the spring. Other Republicans, like Steven LaTourette, are already stating definitively that we will wind up with $1.047 trillion. That’s some way to negotiate away your leverage with Democrats. Then again, these Republicans have no interest in the lower level of spending – even if they controlled all of Congress.

Congressman Mick Mulvaney called out Rogers for his front-loading subterfuge....

It’s funny to watch how every single elected Republican and every candidate for Congress talks incessantly about profligate spending and the need to balance the budget. Yet, most of these guys support the bills that will ensure the budget is never balanced. Why don’t they just join the Democrats next year and forget about proposing a budget? Why waste money on the GPO printing costs if they have no intention of following the budget, and more importantly, they communicate that intention to the Democrats?

It is for this reason that we must elect more conservatives like Mick Mulvaney in the congressional primaries. Those candidates who espouse support for balanced budgets, yet are committed to voting with leadership, will only help


Ed. note: Paul Ryan is an establishment tool and not even an articulate one. He is a phony and blows smoke.


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