Thursday, April 12, 2012

Salafi Muslims aim for Koran in every German household, seek to distribute 25 million free Korans in German

4/8/12, "A Koran in every German household," WeltOnline, Florian Flade, google translation

"Islamists want to distribute in Germany 25 million free Korans in German."...

"Never before has the missionary zeal of the German Islamist scene has taken on such dimensions as in the past few weeks. More than 100 information stands organized in numerous cities of the Salafis, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hesse and Hamburg.

The approach of the Islamic missionaries is simple and effective: German Muslims are called to buy a copy of the Koran (red cover) in order to fund the free distribution of an additional copy of the Koran (blue cover). The public distribution on the streets and market places to find "information booths" instead. In addition, any interested party can order for free on a website a Koran.

The plan seems to be working. According to Ibrahim Abou Nagie allegedly distributed more than 300,000 German translations of the Koran, not only on the street and by mail but also in prisons, schools and even kindergartens. Tens of thousands more copies Abou Nagie has already been ordered. The holy book of Islam is divided into a glut on the land.

This weekend, in time for the Christian Easter festival is the "Read!" Project into a new phase. The Salafis launch a frontal attack against the Un - and other faiths. In 35 cities found on Saturday at the same time Qur'an distributions instead, among other things, Hamburg, Cologne, Konstanz, Frankfurt, Dresden, Osnabruck, Hanover and Berlin. It was about nothing less, is sanctioned by the project operator, as fellow human beings of hell and eternal damnation to save....

Outwardly, the campaign WOULD like a radical change of image scene to be more open and people nearby. True to the motto: The bearded men in long robes and left the backyard mosques. They show the citizen-friendly and transparent.

Maybe that is why lying on the tables of the Salafi information stands - unlike in the past - no books on the role of the woman or the supremacy of the Shari'a to democracy....

The aim of this campaign, interested to get in contact with the Salafist scene and to influence them in terms of their political and extremist ideology," says a spokeswoman for the Berlin intelligence service "online world". Ultimately, it was not about the spread of Islam, but about Salafism.

The pure missionary there is another aspect of "Lies!" Project which Islamism expert Claudia Dantschke says the center Democratic Culture (ZDK) in Berlin. The Salafis German scene is fragmented for years. There was conflict between the preachers to the interpretation of certain Qur'anic verses, especially when it comes to the armed Jihad....

Undeterred by critics, and authorities are working Ibrahim Abou Nagie and his followers these days continues feverishly to bring Germany closer to the Koran. For weeks, the Cologne preacher is touring through Germany and advertises in mosques for the project. Everyone can participate, so Abou Nagie, whether through donations or by self-organized information stands.

How exactly runs the financing of the Quran campaign, remains a mystery. If one believes Abou Nagie, then it is mainly Muslim women and Muslims from the Turkish community, for the "Read!" . donate In Bahrain, wealthy Arabs had offered to pay the Koran-German project."...via Atlas Shrugs


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