Friday, April 27, 2012

'Obama's favorite Republican,' Nixon's favorite Mayor, 3 and a half decades later GOP hack Lugar behind Richard Mourdock by 5 pts, 12 days til primary

Lugar 'Obama's favorite Republican,' Obama even used him in a campaign ad in 2008-MSNBC

4/26/12, "“Young Guns Support Elderly RINO” Dick Lugar (Update: Mourdock up by 5 in new poll)," Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson

"That’s the headline Bill Kristol gives to this Politico report...

Lugar is in trouble, and his desperation is joined, unfortunately, by the Republican leadership in Washington.

You can support Mourdock here. We’re on the cusp of a great upset in Indiana. Don’t waste the opportunity.

Update: Here’s the poll:

"Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar has fallen behind state Treasurer Richard Mourdock by five points, according to a new poll released exclusively to POLITICO.

The survey, taken Tuesday and Wednesday by Wenzel Strategies on behalf of Citizens United, places Mourdock at 44 percent and Lugar at 39 percent. Nearly 17 percent remain undecided with just 12 days to go until the Indiana Senate primary…. In mid-March, a Wenzel survey showed Lugar clinging to just a 6-point advantage.""


10/18/2008, "Barack Obama's favorite Republican? Why the Democrat keeps dropping Dick Lugar's name" MSNBC

"Since the first day, Barack Obama has been dropping the name of his Senate colleague, Republican Dick Lugar.

On February 10, 2007, when he announced his candidacy in Springfield, Ill., Obama proclaimed, "I've worked with Republican Sen. Dick Lugar…"

In a rally this summer in Indiana he told the crowd, "I've worked with Indiana's own Republican Sen. Dick Lugar…"

Obama even featured him in a campaign ad, saying, “What I did was reach out to Sen. Dick Lugar, a Republican…"

And during Wednesday's final presidential debate, the Democrat gave Lugar his highest praise yet. He said the Republican was among a handful of people "who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the White House.""


1/8/11, "Indiana tea party targets Lugar in primary," American Thinker, R. Alter

"While serving as mayor of Indianapolis, Lugar earned the sobriquet of "President Richard Nixon's favorite mayor." Three and a half decades in Washington later, Dick Lugar now considers himself

He couldn't be more out of touch with Indiana citizenry if he had been living in a cave."...


3/19/12, "World Government Lobby Frets Over Fate of Lugar," AIM, Cliff Kincaid

"“He’s got to run against who he is.” This was the verdict on Republican Senator Richard Lugar from one of the activists attending a Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) national conference in Washington, D.C. last week. The group used to be known as the World Federalist Association but dropped the name because of the taint associated with promoting world government.

The incumbent Lugar, one of their favorites, is fighting for his political life in the Indiana Republican Senate primary against Richard Mourdock, Indiana’s State Treasurer, who has highlighted Lugar’s financial link to Democratic money bags George Soros. “Senator Lugar is one of the few Republicans ever supported by Soros,” Mourdock says.

The World Federalist Association had openly stated that a “world federation,” a euphemism for world government, can be achieved by advancing “step by step toward global governance” through establishing new U.N.-associated entities such as the International Criminal Court and by passing measures like the Law of the Sea Treaty. One of its main priorities is “To provide the U.N. with sustained and independent sources of funding.”

  • That is, global taxes.

Lugar can’t use that part of who he is,” said a left-wing activist, discussing the race as people waited for Obama Administration officials to brief the participants on “genocide prevention.” He said the world government lobby had met with Lugar’s personnel to offer their help, but were told that any public expression of support for the liberal Republican senator would backfire because of mounting Republican suspicions that Lugar is a RINO—Republican In Name Only.

In this context, the release of the latest CGS Congressional Report Card cannot come as good news for the senator. The group gives Lugar a B minus, the highest for any Republican in the Senate except for liberal Susan Collins of Maine.

By comparison, the other Republican senator from Indiana, conservative Dan Coats, got an F.

The report card measures votes on global issues such as ratification of U.N. treaties, and funding for international institutions such as the U.N. and the International Monetary Fund."...


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