Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Obama wants to funnel hundreds of millions of US tax dollars to other countries to 'fight' global warming which is an open lie

Even though 'global warming' is now an open lie, Obama says US taxpayers must be forced to pad Swiss bank accounts of foreign dictators under the guise of saving them from non-existent global warming which could cause terrorism. Thugs we have enriched cause 'disenfranchised youth' which US taxpayers need to pay for as well.

4/23/12, "Obama wants 469 million to fight overseas global warming," Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard

[Ed. note: The first part of this post contains blank spaces as you see. This was done by a hacker I've had for a few years. The links should still work and other text below seems OK. Sorry for the inconvenience].

"The science remains divided, but the Obama administration has gone all-in with endorsing man-made global warming, even funding efforts to help quell the potential for climate changing catastrophes--including terrorism--in Africa and South America.

The White House is seeking $469 million in tax dollars to dump into green programs on those continents, initiatives ranging from helping farmers preserve pastureland to helping women who can’t afford to move from hot and dry areas made worse by global warming.

The costly Global Climate Change Initiative, however, is expected to come under fire in the Republican-controlled House which has passed a fiscal 2013 budget that curbs overseas spending like the initiative which is handled through USAID. At a Center for American Progress symposium, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle predicted a “hostile” reception by an “ideological” GOP.

While the spending is already going on, it might take decades for any country to see the global warming disaster that the administration is gearing up to control, according to a State Department official. That’s because rising temperatures and varying rainfall “are things that are slowly progressing over time, on a decades-long scale,” said Kit Batten, the global climate change coordinator at USAID. “You don’t have a sharp turning point,” she added at the symposium.

The administration agrees with a new report from CAP warning that global warming could lead to terrorism. How? It might change human migration in north-western Africa, likely opening up huge swaths of land to terror groups like al Qaeda. Also, “disenfranchised youth” would be push into terrorism, said the report.

The administration believes that helping farmers use a greener growing processes and reducing carbon emissions will thwart that change--and reduce terror threats--by cutting the potential for rising temperatures and odd rain patterns that ignite human migration.

Meanwhile, the president’s reelection campaign is talking up the environment, global warming and Sunday’s Earth Day, even using it to raise money for his campaign. One message out Monday suggests that his opponents favor polluted water and air which would endanger children."...


There is no need for 'views' on climate change when one looks at 'facts.' Man caused climate change (for which all the US taxpayer dollars are said to be needed) does not exist:

Lovelock says CO2 is up but temps remain the same. Lauded by Time Magazine in 2007, now retracts earlier predictions such as Florida sinking by 2040. Entire climate industry pivots on disproved notion that CO2 causes rising temperatures.

4/23/12, "'I made a mistake': Gaia theory scientist James Lovelock admits he was 'alarmist' about the impact of climate change," UK Daily Mail, L. Warren

"Environmental scientist James Lovelock, renowned for
his terrifying predictions of climate change's deadly impact on the planet, has gone back on his previous claims, admitting they were 'alarmist'....

'[The temperature] has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising -

  • carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that.'...

Lovelock said he is not the only one who got it wrong, suggesting other environmental commentators, such as Al Gore and Tim Flannery, also thought the impact would have been seen sooner....

The admission comes as a devastating blow to proponents of climate change who regard Lovelock as a powerful figurehead."...


"The end of an era." CO2 does not 'trap heat.' The whole thing is just to launder US tax dollars.

4/23/12, "Global warming guru admits he was wrong about climate change," John Hayward, Human Events,


There are and will be no "climate refugees."

4/15/11, "UN Caught Scrubbing Embarrassing Climate Refugee Prediction (Update: Gavin Links and Hotairalanche)," Patterico's Pontifications, Aaron Worthing


4/16/11, "The UN 'disappears' 50 million climate refugees, then botches the cover-up" Anthony Watts, Daily Caller


4/13/11, "The Climate Refugee Hoax," IBD, Editorial


Refugee claim was basis for which $100 billion was demanded at Copenhagen


CRS says congress may want to consider that global warming isn't happening anyway.

3/26/12, "Obama Requests $770 Million to Fight Global Warming Overseas," CNS News, Matt Cover

"They also noted that – like most foreign aid programs – there was a high probability that foreign countries would misuse or waste GCCI funds.

National and international institutions that dispense financial assistance have sometimes been criticized for inefficient and bloated bureaucracies, their lack of transparency about project procurement practices and operating costs, and the proportion of their funds misused or lost through instances of graft, corruption, and other political inefficiencies,CRS said.

Finally, CRS noted that foreign economic aid programs like GCCI have a mixed record of results and that Congress may want to consider the fact that there is a lack of consensus on whether global warming will happen at all."


USAID appears to be an openly criminal operation which like the UN can't be prosecuted for anything, even murder. The top article says Obama is using USAID to funnel funds. Following via 2009 FOIA, "Witness names were withheld by USAID."

4/16/09, "Report: U.N. spent U.S. funds on shoddy projects," USA Today, Ken Dilanian

"The U.N. ran a "quick impact" infrastructure program from 2003 to 2006 under a $25 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The U.N. delivered shoddy work, diverted money to other countries and then stonewalled U.S. efforts to figure out what happened, according to a report by USAID's inspector general obtained by USA TODAY under the Freedom of Information Act.

"Due to the refusal of the United Nations to cooperate with this investigation, questions remain unanswered," the report says.

Federal prosecutors in New York City were forced to drop criminal and civil cases because the U.N. officials have immunity, according to the report. USAID has scaled back its dealings with the U.N. and hired a collection agency to seek $7.6 million back, Deputy Administrator James Bever said. The aid agency (USAID) hasn't heeded its inspector general's request to sever all ties.

  • "There are certain cases where working with the U.N. is the only option available," Bever said in an e-mail....
One U.N. employee told investigators that "about $10 million of USAID (Afghanistan) grant money went to projects in other countries, to include Sudan, Haiti, Sri Lanka and Dubai." That witness said the Afghanistan country director for the U.N. Office for Project Services (UNOPS), which served as the contractor on the project for the U.N. Development Program (UNDP), spent about $200,000 in U.S. money to renovate his guesthouse. Witness names were
  • withheld by USAID.

The development program hired UNOPS to do the work and kept a 7% management fee, the report says. The finances were "out of control," an unnamed project services manager told investigators."...


Ed. note: About the last sentence above, it sounds like someone at USAID takes a "7% management fee" for running a money laundering operation. No wonder the US is considered a joke.


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