Wednesday, April 25, 2012

EPA, Goldman Sachs base global warming belief on CO2 emissions, though science says CO2 can be high w/out high temps.

EPA, Goldman Sachs and others erroneously base their belief in global warming on CO2:

Via "Glossary of Climate Change terms"

"Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Global Warming Potential (GWP) is defined as the cumulative radiative forcing effects of a gas over a specified time horizon resulting from the emission of a unit mass of gas relative to a reference gas. The GWP-weighted emissions of direct greenhouse gases in the U.S. Inventory are presented in terms of equivalent emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), using units of teragrams of carbon dioxide equivalents (Tg CO2 Eq.).

Conversion: Tg = 109 kg = 106 metric tons = 1 million metric tons

The molecular weight of carbon is 12, and the molecular weight of oxygen is 16; therefore, the molecular weight of CO2 is 44 (i.e., 12+[16 x 2]), as compared to 12 for carbon alone. Thus, carbon comprises 12/44ths of carbon dioxide by weight."


7/28/10, "The secrets 10 states and Wall Street don't want you to know," by Mark Lagerkvist, NJ Watchdog

"Under the RGGI scheme, the smell of profiteering is powerful. New Jersey and nine other Northeast states have sold

The bidders at RGGI auctions include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and other Wall Street heavyweights....

image above from NJ Watchdog


7/02/09, "The Great American Bubble Machine: How Goldman Sachs has Engineered Every Major Market Manipulation Since the Great Depression," Rolling Stone, by Matt Taibbi

"A groundbreaking new commodities bubble,
  • called cap-and-trade.
The new carbon-credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino that's been kind to Goldman,

If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices

  • will be government-mandated.
  • Goldman won't even have to rig the game.
It will be rigged in advance."...


1/12/08, "Goldman Sachs Buys into Carbon Offsets," NY Times Green, Inc. Blogs

10/27/08, "Street Cred: Goldman Sachs Buys into Carbon Credit Developer," WSJ Blogs (RGGI mentioned here)


Lovelock says CO2 is up but temps remain the same. Lauded by Time Magazine in 2007, now retracts earlier predictions such as Florida sinking by 2040. Entire climate industry pivots on now disproved notion that CO2 causes rising temperatures.

4/23/12, "'I made a mistake': Gaia theory scientist James Lovelock admits he was 'alarmist' about the impact of climate change," UK Daily Mail, L. Warren

"'The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing,' ... 'We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear cut, but it hasn’t happened....

'[The temperature] has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising -

  • carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that.'...

Lovelock said he is not the only one who got it wrong, suggesting other environmental commentators, such as Al Gore and Tim Flannery, also thought the impact would have been seen sooner....

In 2007, Time magazine named him as one 13 leaders and visionaries in an article on Heroes of the Environment."...


11/19/2009, "Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out," Der Spiegel, G. Traufetter


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