Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EPA admits deleting online evidence of its grants of taxpayer money to disgraced climate profiteer Peter Gleick

Admission was made in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

4/16/12, "EPA admits deleting grants to Gleick: Claims mysterious tech glitch," Steve Milloy, JunkScience.com

"EPA admitted that grants to Deniergate’s Peter Gleick were deleted from its Grants Award Database.

The admission came in a response to a Freedom of Information Act response filed by Steve Milloy on Feb. 23.

Though the agency admits the deletion occurred, it claims the deletion resulted from a “technical problem.” Good luck trying to understand the agency’s explanation, though:

As we pointed out on Feb. 23 when we reported the grant deletions, only the grants to Gleick’s Pacific Institute seemed to be missing.

Are we to believe that the EPA’s claimed excuse — i.e., the “partial load of the data” — included all but the Gleick grants?

The EPA’s answer is gobbledygook that is meant to stonewall as opposed to explain. Kafka would have been impressed.

Click for the EPA response."


"And ethics aside, what Gleick did is insane for someone in his position--so crazy that I confess to wondering whether he doesn't have some sort of underlying medical condition that requires urgent treatment."

2/22/12, "The Most Surprising Heartland Fact: Not the Leaks, but the Leaker," The Atlantic, Megan McArdle


2/22/12, "Fakegate Illustrates Global Warming Alarmists' Deceit and Desperation," Forbes, James Taylor

"The real story in this Fakegate scandal is how the global warming movement is desperate, delusional and collapsing as global warming fails to live up to alarmist predictions. People with sound science on their side do not need to forge documents to validate their arguments or make the other side look bad. Also, people who are so desperate as to forge documents in an attempt to frame their rivals are clearly not above forging scientific data, studies and facts to similarly further their cause."...


2/22/12, "Another Global Warming Advocate Caught Falsifying The Truth," IBD

"There are no laws that say that the global warming alarmists can't feel strongly about their beliefs. There are, however, ethical lines. And they keep crossing them.

The history of the Great Global Warming Scare is filled with exaggerations, deceit, unnecessary hype and cover-up.

It's all OK, say the alarmists, because they are concerned with the greater good, and if they have to cheat a bit, well, then the ends justify their means....

It should never be forgotten that the climate-alarmist community will break rules, injudiciously cross ethical lines and run a cheap con to push its left-wing agenda. He and the movement he represents deserve stiff punishment."

via Tom Nelson, via Climate Depot

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