Monday, April 30, 2012

Elite US forces on the ground in Uganda to 'help' track down one terrorist among many in vast jungle who might not even be there

The mission to hunt down one man in a vast jungle could take many years and hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars. Per a BBC radio host, it was estimated US taxpayers were spending $1.5 million/month on this Uganda operation, so why wouldn't Ugandans take forever to hunt down the man since US money would keep pouring in? The host then said he had recently spoken with the US ambassador to Uganda who told him the US was spending "much more" than $1.5 million a month. Heard on BBC radio between 12:30 and 2am ET, Mon. 4/30/12. The host's comments were made in conversation with a correspondent, no link.

4/30/12, "US and Ugandan troops continue hunt for Joseph Kony," Reuters, via

"In a bare concrete room in a far-flung corner of Central African Republic, US special forces and Ugandan soldiers map out the hunt for one of Africa's most wanted rebel leaders hiding in an area the size of California....

Now it serves as an operational centre in one of America's latest military ventures in Africa....

"(The) focus is the removal of Joseph Kony and senior Lord's Resistance Army leadership from the battlefield," said Captain Ken Wright, a navy SEAL in command of the roughly 100-strong force which deployed in October....

The deployment of elite American forces to help track Kony and his senior commanders in the dense equatorial jungle across a region that spans several countries has raised hopes the sadistic warlord's days are numbered.

The troops are armed but do not patrol the surrounding forests and are allowed to engage the LRA only in self-defence....

US military officials are reluctant to bet on if and when they might snare Kony.

"The global effort to try to find Osama bin Laden took 10 years with an extraordinary level of effort ... the highest priority for the international intelligence community, and it still took 10 years to find him," General Carter Ham, commander of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) told a media briefing in Germany ahead of the tightly contolled trip.

"So this is a tough mission.""


3/20/12, "Soros-funded Human Rights Watch Jumps on Kony 2012 AFRICOM Crusade," Activist Post, Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

"Human Rights Watch (HRW) during the height of the Kony 2012 hysteria, dusted off one of its old propaganda videos titled, "Joseph Kony - LRA" uploaded on November of 2010, to try and capitalize on the attention Invisible Children raised earlier this month. However, the Kony 2012 campaign imploded just as fast with vast numbers of people pointing out the untenable narrative it attempted to peddle, and the fact that it served as nothing more than a pretext for an expanded US AFRICOM presence in Africa.

Both Human Rights Watch and Invisible Children are funded by Wall Street speculator, George Soros, through his Open Society Institute and the myriad of corporate-funded foundations it funnels money through. At least one foundation behind Invisible Children (.pdf, page 22), "Enough," who is also involved in the George Clooney promotion of a US AFRICOM intervention in oil-rich Sudan, actually counts Human Rights Watch as a partner.

Image: HRW's partners include Wall Street speculator George Soros' Open Society Institute which also funds Invisible Children through a myriad of proxy foundations. Note on the right-hand side the "Dear Obama" video which is featured below. It was originally uploaded in 2010, but has just recently been featured on HRW's website in the midst of the recent Kony 2012 hysteria."....


9/23/11, "Ugandan farmers kicked off their land for New Forests Company’s carbon project,", Chris Lang


9/22/11, "In Scramble for Land, Group Says, Company Pushed Ugandans Out," NY Times, J. Kron. photo above NY Times, "An evicted woman showed proof of her family's land ownership"


4/25/12, "White House Promotes CEO of "Stealth" Ministry Tied To The Religious Right,"

The 'Invisible Children' group has backing of one or more Christian groups as well. If the 'hunt' for Kony has overlapping constituencies, few if any are the African people.


Kony may not even be in Uganda.

4/30/12, "U.S. lends support in hunt for notorious African warlord," CNN

"Part of the difficulty in tracking Kony stems from the fact he can move freely across porous borders, and not all countries in the region have joined the chase, said Ugandan armed forces spokesman Col. Felix Kulayigye.

He believes Kony is shuffling between Sudan and the Central African Republic.

"This is the strategy that he has used for the last four to five years. When the pressure is too much here, he runs across the border because he knows we are not allowed to go after him," Kulayigye said. "Whenever pressure is high, he just switches to north Sudan. It hampers our operation.""...


Ed. note: Countries like Uganda are targets for UN "carbon offset" climate profiteers so this operation may take the focus off EuroTrash coming in and kicking natives off the land in the name of "saving the planet." It also pours US taxpayer dollars down another sinkhole and wastes our elite military so that's a bonus.


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