Monday, April 9, 2012

Editgate and Spittlegate latest but not last of lying, hate media tradition of race-gating

"To be sure, there is a curious selectivity about who gets defamed. On March 15, 2012, just a few days before the story of Trayvon Martin's killing in Florida became a national sensation, Jose Carranza, 32, was quietly sentenced to 155 years in prison for brutally executing three innocent black college students in a Newark, New Jersey playground.

Like George Zimmerman, Carranza is of Peruvian descent. Ironically, what protected Carranza was the fact that he was "undocumented." The headline "Illegal Alien Kills Black Innocents" appealed to no one in the Media-Democrat complex."

4/9/12, "Editgate, Spittlegate, and the Left's 'Race-Gating' Tradition," American Thinker, Jack Cashill

"The phrase "Editgate" established itself virtually overnight. It fit so well. This useful compound merges "edit," in reference to NBC's incendiary editing of George Zimmerman's 911 call, and "gate," the catch-all suffix used to describe a corrupt mess of deception and obfuscation. Already "Editgate" is being used more expansively to include other distortions in the Trayvon Martin case, including ABC's compression of the police videotape to obscure Zimmerman's head wound and CNN's absurdly imaginative translation of the Zimmerman word "cold" into the nearly archaic "coons."

Together, these three deceptions -- and there will be more -- have established Editgate as the most consequential high-level fraud in the left's long history of what might be called "race-gating." By this, I mean

  • the purposeful media corruption of a racially oriented story.

The media's willingness to lie for the cause should shock no one to the right of Bill Ayers. What is particularly troubling about Editgate is that the major media, which once served as a firewall against fraud, now seem eager accomplices in its commission.

"Spittlegate" is a case in point. In March 2010, the media conspired with the Congressional Black Caucus to portray a group of well-behaved Tea Partiers protesting ObamaCare as a veritable lynch mob.

To be sure, the alternative media deconstructed the incident to show that no one had used a racial slur as charged, let alone spit on a congressman. No matter. The mainstream media let the original story -- "Tea Party Protestors Scream 'Nigger' at Congressman" -- stand as reported. As a result, the racial wound the media opened has continued to fester.

True to the "Gate" legacy, there has been little hint of apology in the "clarifications" the Editgate networks have offered. ABC, for instance, finally did produce an enhanced video to show Zimmerman's two head wounds, but, incredibly, it headlined that story, "George Zimmerman Video Shows Little Evidence of a Broken Nose, Doctor Claims."

After cleaning up the audio of the 911 call, CNN's Gary Tuchman now only concedes, "It does sound less like that racial slur." In fact, it sounds nothing like a racial slur, and it never did. One hears a long "o" sound as in "cold" -- it was raining and 63 degrees -- not an "oo" sound."...


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