Saturday, April 14, 2012

Anti- free speech group Color of Change founded by former Green Czar Van Jones also got Glenn Beck off Fox News using 285,000 volunteers

Just say the word 'racism'. It's not that hard to silence all right of center speech. Jones has the bodies to silence anyone he wants to. Journolisters knew: 7/20/10, "'Call them racists,' How 'journolists' tried to suppress the news," WSJ, Taranto.

4/12/12, "What's Color of Change hiding about itself?" Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner

Coca Cola executives who recently decided to stop supporting the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) did so in response to demands from an obscure left-wing activist group, Color of Change (COC). So were executives of giant candy-maker Mars, Inc. when they announced a similar decision earlier today.

That is why Color of Change may be the most powerful group in America you've never heard about.

The demand that Coke, Mars and other corporate donors stop making contributions to ALEC - a long-established conservative legislative group that researches and writes model legislation that is often adopted by state legislatures - is only the latest COC campaign to hit a nerve.

Previous COC successes include pushing advertisers on Glenn Beck's Fox News Show to withdraw their ads, a campaign that played a role in the cable news and opinion network's decision to drop the controversial production in June 2011.

Others who have felt the wrath of COC include now-former MSNBC opinion analyst Patrick Buchanan, Fox Business News anchor Eric Bolling, Lou Dobbs when he was on CNN,

  • and the late Andrew Breitbart.

On its web site, COC said ALEC should be boycotted because "the right wing has been trying to stop Black people, other people of color, young people, and the elderly from voting — and now some of America’s biggest companies are helping them do it. Demand that these companies stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."

The conservative group's model Voter ID laws require those seeking to vote in state and local elections to present photo IDs, just as commercial airline passengers are required to do when going through security or when customers in a pharmacy buy certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs."...

  • [Ed. note: Or vote in union elections.]

(continuing): (ALEC exec. dir.): "“I am thankful for the support and want to take this opportunity to remind people what we are facing:

“First, the people now attacking ALEC and its members are the same people who have always pushed for big-government solutions. Our support for free markets and limited government stands in stark contrast to their state-dependent utopia. This is not about one piece of legislation. This is an attempt to silence our organization and it has been going on for more than a year.

Second, ALEC is one of America’s premier ideas laboratories when it comes to advocating free market reforms. We are a target because our opponents believe they have the opportunity to attack an effective, successful organization that promotes free-market, limited government policies that they disagree with.

Go here for the rest of the ALEC response to COC.

More recently, the group has sought to apply its influence to lobbying Congress against passage of anti-Internet piracy legislation and to prevent cuts in funding for student loans....

Though it claims to have more than 81,000 "members," the group, which is registered with the IRS as a 501(C)(4) advocacy organization, has a small paid staff of four people and revenues of $515,219, according to its 2010 Form 990 tax return. Only $21,000 was listed for employee salary and benefits costs....

(James) Rucker is described by Huffington Post as "co-founder of Founded in the wake of Katrina, is the leading online citizen lobby for African-Americans and their allies. Formerly, Rucker was director of grassroots mobilization at"

Rucker and Hess are jointly listed on Key Wiki as having contributed $10,000-$14,999 to Dream Reborn, a project of Green for All, which is described as "a national organization that aims to build a green economy 'strong enough to lift people out of poverty.' Its goal is to secure $1 billion in funding for green-collar job training." Former Obama White House green jobs czar Van Jones was a founder of Green for All.

The group's largest single expense - for $197,486 - is listed as "Other," with no further details provided.

The group does have significant liabilities, including a debt of $110,084 owed to "GetEqual," and repayment of a loan by Rucker to the organization in the amount of $72,040 "to temp. fund operations." Other accounts payable and accrued expenses totalling $269,795, for total liabilities of $451,949."


4/6/11, "Oakland's Color of Change was main force in Glenn Beck boycotts," San Francisco Chronicle, Garofoli

""ColorOfChange strongly applauds Glenn Beck's departure from the Fox News Channel. Over 285,000 ColorOfChange members have participated in our campaign against him since it began in July 2009. Because of them, Beck's show


3/21/10, "Tell Me Again---Why Is He at Princeton?" StudentsForAcademicFreedom, by Charlotte Allen,

"In 2005, right after Hurricane Katrina, Jones co-founded yet another organization, Color of Change. Color of Change's first official act was a petition to censure President George W. Bush for supposedly letting 1,300 people die in the destructive flooding that followed the storm: "He knew about the levees, and he knew about the Superdome. But he did nothing." Jones also wrote a blog entry for the Huffington Post asserting that the Katrina disaster had been exacerbated by Bush's "deep contempt for African-Americans." ...

"Since graduating from Yale Law School in 1993, Jones has devoted his entire career to founding and talking up---and then, apparently, losing interest in--a string of radical advocacy groups, most of them focused on exploiting racial tension and liberal guilt about racism (Jones is black). His latest cause is "environmental justice," which essentially means more government money for minority groups, on the theory that their impoverished neighborhoods have been hit harder by pollution than middle-class white zones. Jones's 2008 book---his only book---titled The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems and appealing to the current liberal passion for all things related to global warming, called for massive infusions of federal funds to subsidize the hiring of unemployed minority youths to install solar panels and retrofit insulation in buildings....


Ed. note: Right of center Americans are defenseless against an army of 285,000 people sitting around with nothing to do but instigate hate and silence those it disagrees with. The GOP if anything is likely cheering Jones' efforts.

via Instapundit

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