English translation follows:
3/24/12, "Des jeunes honorent la mémoire de Mohamed Merah à Toulouse," Reuters
TOULOUSE (Reuters) - "Une trentaine de jeunes gens, essentiellement des filles, se sont rassemblés samedi dans le quartier toulousain des Izards, où a..."
In English
"Thirty young people, mostly girls, gathered Saturday in the district of Toulouse Izards, which grew Mohamed Merah, to honor the memory of the killer of seven people shot dead by police Thursday, comparing their pain to those victims' families.
One hundred members of security forces have surrounded this event static during which a woman wearing a full veil harangued the group.
"We are what we ask today is that we stop demonizing Mohamed, that's it, he died," she said.
"We share the pain and suffering of the families because it is the same pain for us here," said the girl, who declined to give his name. "I think what influenced him is what he has seen in his many travels. He could not manage all that. It was still a teenager in his head, despite his 23 years."
The police had detected Toulouse calls to demonstrate Saturday morning and prevented the group to join another. The demonstration was dispersed in the late afternoon without incident. A teacher of a college of Rouen was suspended Friday after asking his students to observe a minute's silence in memory of Mohamed Merah.
The initiative, backed by the students to the headmaster and the education office in Rouen (Normandy), was immediately condemned by the Education Minister Luc Chatel.
The Rector of the Academy of Rouen, Florence Robine, assured that the comments had been "extremely shocking" and that the teacher "does not perceive the seriousness".
Florence Robine said the English teacher in question would be subject to disciplinary proceedings and that 16 students on a class of 20 were out of class in protest, the others remaining for explanations."
Nicholas Vinocur, edited by Yves Clarisse. google translation, via Atlas Shrugs
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